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Active Member
I thought i got rid of my brown algae! My water stats are fine.
Nitrate = 5
ammonia = 0
I do have a clean up crew. ARGH. I been doing those RO water changes. How do i get rid of it???????? FOR SURE!


Active Member
What kind of lighting do you have and how long is it on everyday. And is your tank in any direct sunlight?


i had the same problem too and instead of reducing the light time, i just got some powerheads for a strong current and its all almost gone.
hope it helps


what are your phosphate levels? increasing the water movement does help alot and if you want try running a poly filter or phosphate remover for a little to help catch the levels up. when you clean up the algae do you remove it from your tank? if not it will just die and release the po4 back into the water and the algae cycle begins again.


were U using tap water before?
if so how long have you been using RO for your water changes.. like how many have you done?


Active Member
I think i need a power head? I have been using RO water. My lights are regular floresent. Phosphates are 0. I do clean the algae off my tank.


Aaaah, the never ending battle with the green carpet. Somehow, I believe, we will never be end of our fuzzy little buddies. I even read in one of the other forum where someone would take the rocks out each day and scrub them down and the algae would come back the next day? Now thats algae madness


What algae is bad (or worst) or brown? How do you get rid of them and what harmful effects can they have on your tank (other than making it look unsightly)...