its been post from me.


hey everyone, not that anyone cares but i feel like letting someone know.
ive gotten some corals and stuff since i last posted anything.
now the list looks like this
green mushrooms
green rics
kenya tree
i believe i have 2 types of xenia (not sure what type either are - yet)
green start polyps
a little peice of frogspawn someone gave me, im not sure if it made it though...kinda fell into a hole in a rock?
also just today i scored (for free!)
this like.. neon green tree type coral
a little green millepora frag
one small and one decent sized microphthalma frags
this friday im going to get some more LR and some other stuff and im hoping to score some freebies or some cheap coral...
also, going to my first frag swap on the 27th which im super super stoked for.
yep. idk why i posted this... anyone have advice or tips on any corals above?