It's causing an outbreak!! Madness!


Ok, my lfs told me to add iodine to my tank because my hermits were disappearing due to lack of iodine so they say. Well I added the iodine to my tank less than a capful (cause I have a 37 gallon) and hair algae has started to overcome the left side of my tank AND my polyps are not looking as good as they've been. All my water parameters are the same and I haven't added anything to my tank in the past month. I did move the polyps to a different position in the tank because one of my rock collapsed when I was cleaning and they are positioned at the top near the lights. So...I am now wondering if the iodine has caused this madness...I do bi-weekly water changes and everyone else in the tank is doing fine. :help:


I'm no expert but I don't think it's the iodine. I add iodine about once a week and I have none of those problems..Sorry I hope you figure it out.


I think your right, Kip. I'll do a water change over the weekend and see what happens after that. I'm hoping my polyps start to bounce back though...


Kip, I gotta know... What kinda salt are you using? I've been using the Red Sea salt and I do MANY water changes, but when I test for Iodide/Iodate (?), it comes up zero, nadda, nothin', zip, zilch, well you get the point.


Hey, your opinion is good enough for me... You seem to be the chemical genious on this sight. Won't the hubby be mad, he JUST bought a strontium tester. But while we're on the subject... what ever happened to Salifert's magnesium tests, and can you recomend another trustable brand??



Originally posted by Kip4130
salifert magnesium test... i dunno.. what happened to it?.... i still use one

The Salifert Mg tests are out of stock all over the place. It took me forever to find a place that had them in. One place told me that their supplier wouldn't be able to get them anymore till the end of summer!:nope:


No, what I mean by "What happened to it?" is that I can't find one ANYWHERE!!! I've checked everywhere, sights, lfs's, one guy told me that Salifert wouldn't be shipping anymore to the U.S. for at least a year!! He said that he contacted Salifert and their excuse was that customs wouldn't let it in because every test contains white powder, and they didn't have time to check them all, but that seems bogus to me because ALL the companies kits have white powder in them and they keep coming in. Anyway, if you see them for sale ANYWHERE would you let me know?? I know your busy, but I NEED that kit...


Heyyyyyyyy...what happened to my thread??! :jumping: You guys are a trip. Well I guess I'll just wait and see what happens once I do the water change. I forgot about the hermits killing each other for shells too...but I have so many extra in the tank - those selfish bast#*ds!! I actually use the saltwater from my lfs....gotten lazy over the past few months :D


Hey islandgirl, stop adding the iodine it is a waste. I was told by a LFS that i had to add iodine one capefull a week to help with my shrimps molting process. Well I'm sure it killed one and turned my blood res shrimp pink from all the molting. I stopped dosing and little by little he's gotten his color back.
Too much iodine in your tank will poisen your inhabitants.


See...that's where I get so frustrated with those lfs people :mad: They tell me that adding iodine will help my inverts. Well, on a different fish all ganged up on my 2 peppermint shrimp and ate them. I think having them in the tank kept a lot of the algae and crap down. I'm hesitant on adding more shrimp even though I really enjoyed having them. Any suggestions on that one? I think I'll start a new thread for this question too incase people don't read anymore on this one.


Kip I saw that oceanic salt. I heard it dissolves almost instantly. Does it have the same makeup as instant ocean? And do you still have to age the water before a change when using oceanic or can you use it right away after mixng it with RO?DI water. And isalnd from what i have researched IMO dosing iodine is a waste of time. The only time I believe its useful is to help shrimp molt. Mine have been fine and molting without any additional iodine. I feel everything is right in my IO


Well I'm not going to be dosing with iodine for a while and see what happens. I'm hoping it will go away on it's own if iodine was the problem..and my polyps come back to life!