It's CUSTOMERS that suck!


Oh yes, Tizzo, I know how these things can be frustrating and I sympathize with that part. I just don't think it was right to take it out on me, yanno? But we all have our bad days too

Fish TV
Thank you very much for reminding me about these!!!! The nitrogen cycle sheet we have is indeed great for explaining it simply. I've just been so busy trying to improve things for the fish while keeping up with taking care of the products and stuff like management wants that I totally forgot about these!
Speg, I won't get yelled at in any case (there's definite problems with some of the people there but all in all I've got a good group I work with) but I personally doubt the effectiveness of some of these products that claim to be a sure fire, quick cure. I was just more comfortable with the advice I gave because I do know that it works. I didn't want her to waste her money. Maybe I'll figure out some way to test the effectiveness of them for myself so that I can either sell them with confidence or more positively advise against them. Thanks for the idea!
Thanks for the different angle! I love thinking outside the box!!! And thanks too for the compliment. I can't imagine for even a minute that I'd get fired over this though! Even if I gave her bad information and she did put in a complaint (which if I haven't heard about it by now it's unlikely she did) they'd just talk to me about it. I'm almost 36 yrs old and (especially during the years I was so sick) I've worked many jobs. I wasn't happy at a one of them. Where I'm at now is what I'm good at and I do love it! I'm confident that I'm where I'm supposed to be right now. At some point it may be time to move to something else but it's not now :joy:
And now for the other side... (you'll see, just watch the board