It's Finally Ready


After two very long months, my tank is ready for the cleaner crew, anemone and fish...please help me with the selection. I initially wanted trigger and grouper but my tank is only 80 gallons so that is not an option. What kind of clean up crew do I need, what anemone and what fish. I want to keep it interesting and colorful. I only have 45 lbs of lr so I will be adding more of that too.


For a clean up crew you can add snails and hermit crabs. I have 25 astrea snail , 25 nass snails , 2 mexican turbo snails , 3 brittle stars 3 emerald crabs and 25 scarlet hermit crabs. I like to keep a well stocked clean up crew. That way i really dont have to worry too much about over feeding. As for an anemone I would wait atleast 6 months and make sure you have MH lighting or very high wattage of pc lighting. For fish there are many types you just have to do the research to make sure they all get along. HTH


Thanks for the info. Was hoping for an easy out with the selection of fish but I guess I really do need to do the research. Did you order your cleaner crew from this website? My tank is so ugly (all brown) right now that I need to do something. Not sure of my lighting so will wait on the anemone.


You can order your cleaner crew from this site. I've only made one order here, but couldn't be happier.
Don't get an anemone yet. Let the tank become established. They aren't the easiest invert to keep alive.


Active Member
Hi Bliss

I would confirm your cycle is complete and from there add your clean up crew. Good suggestion ordering from SWF...Quality is good from what I have read.
I personally would take it very slow. Add fish one by one and so on. Your tank is new and needs time to mature. Set yourself up for success, not failure by asking questions and gaining knowledge.

Good luck!


That a nice big tank. If it was me, I would order from
Just look at the selection and varieity of a clean up crew you could get.
I bought 32 lbs of live rock for this site and i am happy with it. Can't wait till the 90 gal gets going.
Goo luck


Active Member
Originally Posted by Blissninny
After two very long months, my tank is ready for the cleaner crew, anemone and fish...please help me with the selection. I initially wanted trigger and grouper but my tank is only 80 gallons so that is not an option. What kind of clean up crew do I need, what anemone and what fish. I want to keep it interesting and colorful. I only have 45 lbs of lr so I will be adding more of that too.
Well, you are now sucked into this hobby and have no hope for escape :happyfish
You will spend every spare penny you have and your kids will have to eat spam as they scream for happy meals :hilarious, not really!
Have you started to dream about the next tank you want, I am now on my 4th tank.
Started off w/ a 15gal that is now my sump on my 55. In 94 I bought a 30 then my 55 and about 3 weeks ago I got my 210, see what I'm talking about...

Good luck!


New Member
I have a 75 gallon that about 6 months old. I started with two black and white percula clownfish, then added a orange diamond goby, and then a coral beauty and a niger trigger. I also plan on adding a yellow tang. Clean Up - I have 1 fire shrimp, 6 blueleg hermit crabs, 10 astrea snails, and 1 turbo. I've also have a curlycue anemone that I've had since month 1.


Originally Posted by Blissninny
After two very long months, my tank is ready for the cleaner crew, anemone and fish...please help me with the selection. I initially wanted trigger and grouper but my tank is only 80 gallons so that is not an option. What kind of clean up crew do I need, what anemone and what fish. I want to keep it interesting and colorful. I only have 45 lbs of lr so I will be adding more of that too.
Congratulations! I am soooo jealous. I haven't even started cycling mine yet, but my LR should arrive tomorrow and I can't wait! Hope everything goes well for you. :jumping: