It's getting worse


I have more micro-bubbles by the minute
It's making my water murky...
Last Week


Bubbles on the rock

Bubbles on the filter and water

All coming from the Penguin 350 Filter. I tried their website but it only talks about bubbles caused by the magnum and the parts to check don't coincide with the penguin.
My tank is full, I changed out the filter... any other ideas?


I've never heard of that... would it just fit on where the water comes out after going through the bio-wheel?

aztec reef

Active Member
if levels are fine and you have 20-30x turnover rate then i wouldn't worry about it, they would go away eventually. your tank is pretty new or you just put the Lr in recently so it's normal sometimes.. It looks like you need a clean up crew .. is your tank already cycled?


The tank finished cycling this weekend. I have 4 crabs and 3 snails right now.. plus one damsel. Will the CuC get rid of the brown all over? I hear about diatom blooms when the tank is new so I figured it was normal and would just go away.


I took apart the penguin filter, hoping to find something... so an hour after messing with it I went to put it back and my tank is almost entirely clear of bubbles! UGH It IS that stupid filter
... I'm afraid to put it back in now but I will in a bit, sans the bio-wheel to see if that helps.