If not then it would be a carnation coral. They only feed of plankton. What do you dose? These corals are known not to do well in captivity because of our lack of ability to recreate the amount of plankton in the water as in the ocean. One way to tell for sure if its a carnation is just by feeling it. When fully extend the carnation would still be very bristley while a colt would be farely smooth.
It could be a Scleronephthya, which is related to Dendronephthya, but apparently a bit 'easier' to take care of. But like shoreliner said, they are not photosynthetic corals, and are really hard to maintain in captivity.
i give mine dt plankton and they are growing alot i only had three when i started now it has double now...Iam not sure what the brown polyps are on the bottem left they keep breaking off and growing more does any one know what they are?
Some kind of Carnation would have been my first guess. I got a Red Carnation from my LFS and I thought that they needed low light, little to medium water flow and I had to spot feed it Marine Snow. Sorry cant give you a possitive ID but they look great.
i dont know if you can see some rubberbands in the tank on pic 2 but i have some some frags and blue shrooms getting to stick to some rocks i just use the netting and rubberbands they work for me....