Its killing my corals!



ok ive had my tank for about a year now and im getting all these small centipede like creatures hiding in my liverock and killing all my coral
what should i get or do


Originally Posted by thirty5
Those look like your basic Bristle Worms, they do not eat corals.
would a tang ever eat corals or anenomes?


Active Member
Originally Posted by fuz_munky
would a tang ever eat corals or anenomes?
No, on occation may taste but usually it soon algea there. List info on your tank; size, filtration, lights, livestock(lr/lr, fish, invertes, and corals. List water para. Actual numbers, temp, and sg. gph. Any pics.
This info may help someone to help you find the problem.


Active Member
does it look like actual bites taken out of the coral or what? any pics of said corals?


Active Member
Well I see hair algae so I think your parameters and not rite.Check all you parameters and trates.Some coral if they get any algae on them they will close up or die.


Active Member
I agree, please post all of your specific tank parameters. The hair algae, and a "bloom" of bristleworms, indicates a high nutrient load...which can be killing your corals.
But it is VERY unlikely those worms are...and in fact you may be in bigger trouble without them.


nitrate-160 holy crap
salinity- 1.021
amonia- 0
ph- 7.4
i dont have tests for calcium, phosphates or alkalinity


i have a naso tang and two damsels so i feed them one bloodworm cube a day, and i have >15 hermit crabs <25 snails (and growing)


Active Member
Originally Posted by fuz_munky
nitrate-160 holy crap
salinity- 1.021
amonia- 0
ph- 7.4
i dont have tests for calcium, phosphates or alkalinity
I think you alkalinity low cause your ph is low Ph should be at 8.2.I would invest in one cause it maintains the ph and magnesium whitch you should get one of them test to if you have corals.
Salinity should be at 1.025
Nitrate are real high are you sur thats the reading


Originally Posted by digitydash
I think you alkalinity low cause your ph is low Ph should be at 8.2.I would invest in one cause it maintains the ph and magnesium whitch you should get one of them test to if you have corals.
Salinity should be at 1.025
Nitrate are real high are you sur thats the reading
ill check the nitrates again
In order too keep these Animals alive AKA CORALS AND FISH, you need the basic things, clean cycled water, good light( MH, HQI, T5,AND LAST PC'S ),good filters,(skimmers), and flow. So by having these VERY DELICATE ANIMALS, you should also know how, what, and when too feed them, Like mzbdz posted about the pars, thats the key element to tell you where your water is.your pars (parameters) is very crucial to learn it, that keeps these animals alive knowing the levels
digitydash posted the pars, Salinity - salt water level,
Ph 8.3
Nitrates - polutants
Phosphates - polutants
Nitrites - polutants
Amonia - polutants
Calcium food 420
Alkalinity food 8dkh to 10 dkh
and magnesium food this keeps your levels in food stablelized , keep it at 1300 to 1450
after you know that your water is safe to have corals,fish,etc, after a good cycle, minum 3 month to 6 month for impatient people,lol, i know i was in the beginning, that's how we learn the hard way, Once you get to wanting SPS, that's were you gotta know your pars, there super sensitive animals.Any body can do it, just have the right environment, if you want to have a awesome reef tank, small to large, you should learn how to keep them alive.
It doesn't matter what size tank you have , your going to spend some money, so why do it with out knowing how to keep them. It really sucks when things start to die, then thats when we get mad, lose interest, get discourage,
and more important animals keep dieing.
Again the basic things, clean water without any pollutants,good light,and food.
the light gives the energy for them too eat.
the food can be the most important thing, calcium,alk,mag, and floating micro food, like dt's plankton , cycloe eez , pyto feast plankton,. and with out clean water, for get about it.
softies my need direct feeding.
it looks like you got nice LR, just get your water in check, and also do weekly water changes, use only d/i r/o water.


Active Member
Originally Posted by fuz_munky
ill check the nitrates again
I would do a water change and bring your ph up and go get a alkalinity test tommorow from a LFS


Active Member
Originally Posted by fedel castro
In order too keep these Animals alive AKA CORALS AND FISH, you need the basic things, clean cycled water, good light( MH, HQI, T5,AND LAST PC'S ),good filters,(skimmers), and flow. So by having these VERY DELICATE ANIMALS, you should also know how, what, and when too feed them, Like mzbdz posted about the pars, thats the key element to tell you where your water is.your pars (parameters) is very crucial to learn it, that keeps these animals alive knowing the levels
digitydash posted the pars, Salinity - salt water level,
Ph 8.3
Nitrates - polutants
Phosphates - polutants
Nitrites - polutants
Amonia - polutants
Calcium food 420
Alkalinity food 8dkh to 10 dkh
and magnesium food this keeps your levels in food stablelized , keep it at 1300 to 1450
after you know that your water is safe to have corals,fish,etc, after a good cycle, minum 3 month to 6 month for impatient people,lol, i know i was in the beginning, that's how we learn the hard way, Once you get to wanting SPS, that's were you gotta know your pars, there super sensitive animals.Any body can do it, just have the right environment, if you want to have a awesome reef tank, small to large, you should learn how to keep them alive.
It doesn't matter what size tank you have , your going to spend some money, so why do it with out knowing how to keep them. It really sucks when things start to die, then thats when we get mad, lose interest, get discourage,
and more important animals keep dieing.
Again the basic things, clean water without any pollutants,good light,and food.
the light gives the energy for them too eat.
the food can be the most important thing, calcium,alk,mag, and floating micro food, like dt's plankton , cycloe eez , pyto feast plankton,. and with out clean water, for get about it.
softies my need direct feeding.
it looks like you got nice LR, just get your water in check, and also do weekly water changes, use only d/i r/o water.

Good info


Active Member
Originally Posted by fuz_munky
i redid the tests the ph is actually at 8.2 and the nitrates are still high
Do a water change 25% to 50% depending on how high it is.Im pretty sure you got some phosphates to so would get some phosphate sponge to starve the algae out.