It's not going to be easy...


to find an apartment in the Chicago area that would allow a 180g tank or even have the right structural setup, hmm? I grew up there but lived in my mom's house until I moved to the West Coast and never had to think about such things.
Most buildings in Chicago have basements (if not basement apartments) so even the first floor may not have the proper support. This seems like it can turn into a big hassle. :notsure:


Active Member
if you can find a place that will allow a water bed then you should be able to put a 180g tank... run the tank perpendicular to the truss/floor joists...


Ah, a water bed.. but what do you think would be the best way to phrase the question to a landlord? Can I have a big fish tank or a water bed?
I tend to be over-analytical about these things.


New Member
Either way you pose the question I can almost guarantee the answer will be no. Unless you have insurance to cover the damage if either of them were to spring a leak. Unless maybe if you find another reefer that is renting an apartment. Good luck.


Active Member
i just always asked if they allowed fish tanks...they almost always said either a size limit or yes....i'm not in chicago, but need to add the 180gallon in there? :thinking:


Active Member
alot of the old apartments have heavy duty concrete floors also if u get a first level apt. it should be fine


Active Member
Wow, probably not, maybe tell them it's a 20 gallon
. I notice people without tanks think my 55's are 200 gallons or something so if they get a load of yours they might freak out a bit but explain the actual weight per foot. I didn't mention it to my landlord but am under the restrictions of if it breaks, I pay. Reasonable enough to me.