Its Snowing and I love it.


Active Member
in case anybody wondered....STILL nothing more than a dusting in Canton, Ohio...and the dusting is completely GONE!!!


Active Member
Trust me brownie it should be Coming Chicago is Expecting 6-9 INCHES TONIGHT and more in the Snowbelt in Lake COunty IN. We in Central IL are expecting 6 inches or So along with Sleet and ICE so I am like OK 100 lbs Rock salt for sidewalk clearing CHECK Shovel Check SNOWBLOWER CHECKNow bring it Mamma Nature.


Active Member
yeah...I need to get out and purchase my snow blower...that will chase the snow away ALL winter...otherwise, BLIZZARD ALL WINTER!!!!!!!
Though...we are getting a little sleet/freezing rain that wasn't forecast for us...gotta love meteorologists, get it right less than half the time and get paid handsomely!


Active Member
Some people are having blizzards in December...not in Canton, we had a freaking THUNDERSTORM this morning. It looked like a tropical storm, horizontal rains, drops the size of apples, loud claps of thunder, 50-60 mph winds, I was waiting on Dorothy to come flying down. It was 49 degrees this morning at 6:50 on my way to school (it was still dark) was 53 degrees before the storm...however, by 4:00 pm it is supposed to be down to 36!!! Gotta love our crazy weather!!!!!!


Originally Posted by Noah's Nemo
Yep all 180 lbs worth.Best dogs ever IMO.Here is our landseer,she'll get her first winter this year.(shes 140lbs) This is pretty much what they like to do

I miss the puppy days...
Another newf person here. They are the best.

noah's nemo

Originally Posted by RoastReef
Another newf person here. They are the best.
These are our first 2,but we now know we will always have a newf or 2 around.We have a 2 yr old and 6 yr old,and the newfs are the best dogs ever around them.My kids love em.So ,how do yours do out in the hot cali. sun?Mine hate it when it reaches above 70 here
We do take them to the lake for a dip alot though


Originally Posted by Noah's Nemo
These are our first 2,but we now know we will always have a newf or 2 around.We have a 2 yr old and 6 yr old,and the newfs are the best dogs ever around them.My kids love em.So ,how do yours do out in the hot cali. sun?Mine hate it when it reaches above 70 here
We do take them to the lake for a dip alot though
They do fine. When it's hot they like to go in the garage and lay on the cool floor. We do have a few lakes nearby where they go to swim and they'll lay in a kiddie pool forever. My family has a cabin where I go snowboarding almost every weekend, so they love it there. They'll just lay in the snow and eat it.