It's time for Seahorses

my way

Active Member
Well the time has come for me to get my Seahorses. My LFS is taking my current livestock and I will be ordering my Horses. He can get Reidi's and Kuda's. It's a thirty gallon tank with a 10 gallom fuge, Protien Skimmer and Wet Dry filled with Live Rock rubble. The tank had been running for over 2 yrs. The fuge has 2 1/2 inches of live sand and abouy 15 lbs. of Live Rock along with some Zoo frags Hermits and various snails. I will be getting some more Live rock and taking the other rock out of the fuge and putting it in the display tank and use the fuge for growing Cheato. The display tank has 1" of sand that must be Live to some extent by now. So the question is Should I get the Reidi's or the Kuda's?

my way

Active Member
Originally Posted by alyssia
Well, I'm partial to the kudas cuz that's what I have!

Could you tell me a little about your setup? Do you have any other inhabitants? Got any pics? Thanks

my way

Active Member
They sell them here with no guarantee, I'm not taking that chance with the cold weather and all. My LFS is good to me so he's getting my livestock business. From what I've found out, yes you can mix them, but I want to start out with one species. That is why I'm asking about pro's and con's of these species.


Active Member
Originally Posted by My Way
Could you tell me a little about your setup? Do you have any other inhabitants? Got any pics? Thanks

I currently have two in a 29, but I'm moving them to a 55 in the next few weeks. They are also in with an onyx clown and a royal gramma, so far I have had no problems with that.
They are CB and eat frozen, otherwise I wouldn't of attempted seahorses, I would of been to worried. I have about 35 lbs or LR and 30 lbs of LS and no skimmer, but I'm getting one when they move to the 55. They have been in the 30 for 4 months and no water quality problems so far. I do 20-30% water changes every week. If you train them to eat from a feeding bowl it will help with their messiness immensly.
I do not have a fuge. I will try to get some pics up tomorrow, but I'll be gone all day so it won't be until later in the evening. I would put them up now but I need to charge my camera battery first. :joy:

darth tang

Active Member
I have four reidi in a 55. I prefer them, to be honest, over the kuda. Reidi still get a decent size. 2 of mine are almost 6 inches tall. I have pics in the photo area. Just run a search on seahorses and mine should show up. Since those pics last week I added a few lbs. of live rock and a mandarin goby.
My tank has 45 lbs. live sand and about 50 lbs of live rock in it now.
I run a protein skimmer, two HOB bio wheel filters, and three powerheads in one are going three different dirrection (mainly for my polps and red chile coral). I ran with one powerhead for a longtime with no problems. I added the other two as I knew I was going to add some things that needed a bit higher flow, the horses haven't had a problem since adding these, they actually sem to play in the powerheads more.
clean up crew, 3 hermit crabs, 3 peppermint shrimp, 25 nassarius snails, 1 mexican turbo snail, and a blue linkia starfish.

darth tang

Active Member
A little over a year I believe (two of them). I am not sure. The other two (smaller one's) are roughly six months.

my way

Active Member
I could'nt find your pics Darth. Anyway I have one vote for Reidi's and one for Kuda's but no explaination on why one would be better than the other, which is the reason for my post. I guess I should've been more clear on that. So any reason why either of you have picked the species you have?

darth tang

Active Member
I went with Reidi because they get a decent size and seem to breed easier in captivity. Also captive bred reidi are carried at the LFS here. I am hesitant to order certain things online, seahorses are one of them. I know many have done it, but seahorses are one thing I recommend that people look at before buying to make sure they are healthy.
Here is the thread link to my tank