It's true; jawfish WILL jump your tank


I have had my jawfish just over a week, and he was starting to get really settled in. Hovering a little higher out of his hole each day. Busily gathering up rubble to line his burrow at night. Testing a variety of rocks to find just the perfect one to cover his hole while he napped.
I had read that there was a danger of a stressed jawfish going carpet surfing. So I had re-placed the glass covers on my 55-gal. That left just a small area at the back that was uncovered. I found it hard to believe they would really jump the tank, since I had never seen my jawfish anywhere near the top of the tank.
Well, I read another story online that restressed the jumping issue, so I went out yesterday and got some egg-crate to insure nothing would happen. However, I didn't cut it down to size. I was going to do that today.
This morning I went down and looked in my tank and the jawfish's hole was eerily empty. I searched around in the tank and directly behind, and found no sign, so I thought he might be working on a new excavation project somewhere. But then I found him a couple feet from the tank behind the TV. Sadness. I had grown very fond of him and was very pleased that my tank was proving to be an appropriate environment.
I'm not sure what caused him to jump. It's possible the cleaning I was doing yesterday or the Saly Lightfoot's stomping around near his hole had him upset. Anyways, I created this message to drive home the point for anyone doing a search on jawfish that yes, they do jump. Cover your tank before you bring one home.


sorry to hear about your fish :( I was thinking about getting some for my next tank. i will take the neccary precautions


Sorry about your fish... :(
I think they are such cute fish, and very entertaining...and unfortunetly..they do jump//
Something similar happened to me with mine...I was cleaning the excess salt build up off my top pcs..(hood etc) and he jumped out, and we didnt realize it, till he was kitty food....I was so bummed and angry with myself for being so careless..
So yes people...they do jump...and pretty damn well at that...
Again, sorry about your little guy..


blue spotted jawfish are absolutely gorgeous, my lfs wants 145 apeice for em'. Wont get 'em till i get ample coverage for my tank. Jumpin

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