Background: I have a 75 gallon tank with 80lbs live sand, wet/dry filter, canister filter and uv sterilizer. My chemical levels were all at zero until I developed "snow" in my tank. Thanks to this forum, it was diagnosed as poor circulation, a point my LFS agreed upon. We are buying a powerhead this week to solve the problem. The LFS tested my levels last week and said all my readings were perfect except for trace nitrites. I decided it was time to aquascape.
Problem: I added 43 lbs of dead rock last week. A couple pieces of my dead rock have developed what looks like clear to cloudy white slime on it, especially in grooves. The slime runs over into my sand in one place. My levels are as follows: ph 8.2; nitrates 0; ammonia 0; salinity 1.022-1.023; nitrites .1. The two pieces of rock affected do have a yellowish green residue on them in a couple of places.
Questions: What the heck am I dealing with? Do I have anything to worry about or fix?
I was hoping to buy my first two fish this month, but don't want to do it until everything is perfect. PLEASE HELP ME!