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there is soooooooo much more to it than that - and i don't know if i'm recalling things properly (I was too young to vote at the time), but Clinton wasn't all that anti-Israel at all in any of his dealings.
The PERCEPTION is that Democrats are more about inclusion and progress and open-mindedness etc... Jews in this country, especially of late, are extremely squeamish about old anti-Semitism popping up, and historically Republicans have been rather...um... exclusive, shall we say? Whether or not it applies to today's party members is kind of irrelevant... b/c the majority of Jewish voters are from the era of serious danger.
There's so much residual junk that's not really relevant to the reality of today.... there's also a whole lot of self-hating going on -which I will not deny b/c it's a simple truth - and then there are my crazy dirty hippie friends whom I'll never understand but are somehow bleeding heart liberals and at the same time so aggressively pro-Israel it would make your head spin.
I don't understand it. I can't speak for my entire community. I don't even LIKE politics!! Pple get so ANGRY about it... makes me NUTS.
I completely disagree with the accuracy of the perception you speak of. But that is another story.
When clinton was in office, (carter too) we'll see about obama. Israel was giving away land left and right, in an effort to broker peace. Gaza strip, Sinai pen ect. This is a brutal blanket way to say this, but in my opinion, the policy of the last 2 dem presidents has been to browbeat Israel into giving away land for "peace" that never happens.