I've been very disappointed with The Aquarium Lately


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
only one, most of the dems went somewhere else after the bomster won.
If I was a big conspiracy fan I'd conjure up a tale of smoked filled rooms located throughout the USA filled with political paid pundits whose sole job was to participate on various forums promoting the agenda of their candidate.


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
lol well republican/dem and Educated/uneducated goes hand in hand.

What I don't understand, is how can Jews vote democrat considering the public policies of most dems have been far more favorable to the Palestinians and basically forcing Israel to give land away, then republican public policy.
don't. get. me. started.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Mimzy
don't. get. me. started.
So you agree with me on that? Or are you talking about me making fun of democrats.
Well i mean it boils down that these jews are more loyal to their party than their homeland. That is the only logical conclusion I can come up with.


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
So you agree with me on that? Or are you talking about me making fun of democrats.
Well i mean it boils down that these jews are more loyal to their party than their homeland. That is the only logical conclusion I can come up with.
there is soooooooo much more to it than that - and i don't know if i'm recalling things properly (I was too young to vote at the time), but Clinton wasn't all that anti-Israel at all in any of his dealings.
The PERCEPTION is that Democrats are more about inclusion and progress and open-mindedness etc... Jews in this country, especially of late, are extremely squeamish about old anti-Semitism popping up, and historically Republicans have been rather...um... exclusive, shall we say? Whether or not it applies to today's party members is kind of irrelevant... b/c the majority of Jewish voters are from the era of serious danger.
There's so much residual junk that's not really relevant to the reality of today.... there's also a whole lot of self-hating going on -which I will not deny b/c it's a simple truth - and then there are my crazy dirty hippie friends whom I'll never understand but are somehow bleeding heart liberals and at the same time so aggressively pro-Israel it would make your head spin.
I don't understand it. I can't speak for my entire community. I don't even LIKE politics!! Pple get so ANGRY about it... makes me NUTS.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Mimzy
there is soooooooo much more to it than that - and i don't know if i'm recalling things properly (I was too young to vote at the time), but Clinton wasn't all that anti-Israel at all in any of his dealings.
The PERCEPTION is that Democrats are more about inclusion and progress and open-mindedness etc... Jews in this country, especially of late, are extremely squeamish about old anti-Semitism popping up, and historically Republicans have been rather...um... exclusive, shall we say? Whether or not it applies to today's party members is kind of irrelevant... b/c the majority of Jewish voters are from the era of serious danger.
There's so much residual junk that's not really relevant to the reality of today.... there's also a whole lot of self-hating going on -which I will not deny b/c it's a simple truth - and then there are my crazy dirty hippie friends whom I'll never understand but are somehow bleeding heart liberals and at the same time so aggressively pro-Israel it would make your head spin.
I don't understand it. I can't speak for my entire community. I don't even LIKE politics!! Pple get so ANGRY about it... makes me NUTS.
I completely disagree with the accuracy of the perception you speak of. But that is another story.
When clinton was in office, (carter too) we'll see about obama. Israel was giving away land left and right, in an effort to broker peace. Gaza strip, Sinai pen ect. This is a brutal blanket way to say this, but in my opinion, the policy of the last 2 dem presidents has been to browbeat Israel into giving away land for "peace" that never happens.


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
I completely disagree with the accuracy of the perception you speak of. But that is another story.
When clinton was in office, (carter too) we'll see about obama. Israel was giving away land left and right, in an effort to broker peace. Gaza strip, Sinai pen ect. This is a brutal blanket way to say this, but in my opinion, the policy of the last 2 dem presidents has been to browbeat Israel into giving away land for "peace" that never happens.
well agree/disagree whathaveyou, you asked me WHY and i explained the perception that exists; whether or not it's an accurate assessment of reality is another discussion entirely... and I think I made myself perfectly clear in stating that I don't believe these people understand what's really going on anyhow.
As I said, I really can't speak for the entire Jewish Community, I have no idea what goes through these people's heads; they're from every walk of life, every avenue of religious thought, belong to every single age group and yes, even come from different races. I don't even know if the majority of us really ARE democrats!
I can't answer for them. I can't take the blame for them. I can't explain their thinking; they're all individuals in completely different contexts and they're all unfortunately lumped together in one group with me - because we happened to have been born Jewish. BLECH. I didn't ASK for this! I will not answer for my people!! If you want answers from my people, go ask them yourself!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Mimzy
well agree/disagree whathaveyou, you asked me WHY and i explained the perception that exists; whether or not it's an accurate assessment of reality is another discussion entirely... and I think I made myself perfectly clear in stating that I don't believe these people understand what's really going on anyhow.
As I said, I really can't speak for the entire Jewish Community, I have no idea what goes through these people's heads; they're from every walk of life, every avenue of religious thought, belong to every single age group and yes, even come from different races. I don't even know if the majority of us really ARE democrats!
I can't answer for them. I can't take the blame for them. I can't explain their thinking; they're all individuals in completely different contexts and they're all unfortunately lumped together in one group with me - because we happened to have been born Jewish. BLECH. I didn't ASK for this! I will not answer for my people!! If you want answers from my people, go ask them yourself!!!
cool just wondering what you thought.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Mimzy
::sigh:: apologies. u pushed a rather sensitive button.
none needed, what someone thinks, is always interesting. No matter where their views lie. Especially if they aren't regurgitating drivel they've heard on TV.
Can I sum it up, you don't think that the perception is dems have as a whole been hard on Israel. Plus you think the perception is they are more inclusive to people in general. And they cater to their vote more than Republicans.
you have to understand, although a devout christian, I used to go to the jewish community center, and discuss religion with the old men. They have some of the most well though out arguments, and brilliant apologetics for Judaism that there is. Plus they were VERY VERY VERY good at communicating their positions.


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
none needed, what someone thinks, is always interesting. No matter where their views lie. Especially if they aren't regurgitating drivel they've heard on TV.
Can I sum it up, you don't think that the perception is dems have as a whole been hard on Israel. Plus you think the perception is they are more inclusive to people in general. And they cater to their vote more than Republicans.
you know what? I'll ask my folks. They have historically registered as Democrats, and they are well educated collegiate types who also happen to be very Orthodox and are currently IN Israel during this whole mess (which isn't helping my nerves, lemme tell ya). Next time I speak to them, I shall ASK them WHY they are democrats... because one thing they most certainly are, is Zionist.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Mimzy
you know what? I'll ask my folks. They have historically registered as Democrats, and they are well educated collegiate types who also happen to be very Orthodox and are currently IN Israel during this whole mess (which isn't helping my nerves, lemme tell ya). Next time I speak to them, I shall ASK them WHY they are democrats... because one thing they most certainly are, is Zionist.
MAke them write me a paper, then email to me!


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
MAke them write me a paper, then email to me!

my Father, I'm sure, would be thrilled to oblige.
...so would my Husband. But he's a whole different animal... he's a Libertarian


Active Member
Originally Posted by Mimzy
there is soooooooo much more to it than that - and i don't know if i'm recalling things properly (I was too young to vote at the time), but Clinton wasn't all that anti-Israel at all in any of his dealings. ...
Actually, the "deal" brokered at Camp David with Arafat was far, far, far from being Pro Israel.
Sadly, the best thing that happened for Israel, much to the chagrin of the Clinton White House, was that Arafat got even more greedy and declared the intra-fada to try to wring greater concessions out of Israel.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Mimzy
my Father, I'm sure, would be thrilled to oblige.
...so would my Husband. But he's a whole different animal... he's a Libertarian

lol, what gets me is that I know several people who were like do I want to vote for obama or barr. Talk about two diametrically opposed philosophies.