I've changed my mind on the trigger tank...


I'm now going to go with a varied fish-only tank, since I can't get a large enough tank to keep the triggers I want. I don't really want a bloodbath, and it's not fair to the fish to do it.
So, I'm probably just going to buy another 75 gallon, for the following fish :
picasso trigger
christmas wrasse
harlequin tusk wrasse
sohal tang
regal angel
What do y'all think? I'm pretty sure all those fish are workable in that space, and the colors are all varied and stunning.
Opinions are welcome.


LionFish says......
Well, I have no idea how experienced you are but those last 2 fish are very difficult to keep alive and are prone to diseases. Definitely avoid getting a Regal Angel because it wouldn't do well with the trigger and they are extremely difficult to keep alive as they need food with sponges in it and they need frequent feedings plus thye seem to starve themselves. But its your tank. I would also avoid the Sohal in that small of a tank. Although it would work the trigger would probably kill it too. Tangs don't do too well with triggers. If it was a Pinktail or Niger it might work but not with a Picasso. You have to understand that in this hobby you can't choose fish by colors. You must learn about them and see what their requirements are. Just a warning, though. Everything else seems alright except that I would add the trigger last rather than first so that it won't be that territorial.


I'm aware that I can't choose fish just by their colors, which is why I take a look at pictures of what I want and then ask here before I go ahead and buy everything and throw it together like most people. :)
Lionfish, let me ask you...what would you put with those other three fish? Please limit your reply to only one kind of lionfish. :)
Thanks for the help.


LionFish says.......
Darn, only one kind? Oh well, I would definitely recommend a Dwarf Lion as they fit with those fish very well. Some one here keeps warning people that triggers can eat the lions fins when they are older which is true but very rare. So don't worry about the trigger and the lion together. Also, I like Snowflake eels and Porcupine Puffers a lot. They fit together quite well with the others. Although, I would only get 4 fish in that small of a tank. Possibly the Trigger, Lionfish, Eel, and wrasse. I usually would recommend a Tusk but they don't like to be with a lot of other big fish. Mine is with a Dwraf Lion in my 70 gallon and thats it. I am planning on getting a SnowFlake eel soon. There are others that could go well with those fish but those are my favorites.