I've gone and done it :)


Active Member
nope, its my final fish in the tank, and about 1/5th the size of any other fish in there (he's really tiny and hiding in the rocks). they are a beautiful fish, and there's such mixed reviews about their aggression. I figure since he's so small and last one in, it will be fine. lets hope


Originally Posted by renogaw
nope, its my final fish in the tank, and about 1/5th the size of any other fish in there (he's really tiny and hiding in the rocks). they are a beautiful fish, and there's such mixed reviews about their aggression. I figure since he's so small and last one in, it will be fine. lets hope

I hope that he works out for you. They have been known to terrorize hippos, so lets hope yours isn't too mean.
I have had one in my tank sense the biggining. He is not bad at all. He sits above his rock, and doesn't mess with anybody. Unless they go near his rock. I think the rest of the tank gives him respect sense he has been in there longer then everybody else..


Active Member
have 1 and it is no problem and the only fish that goes into my fish trap(trying to catch a clown fish)


Active Member
Originally Posted by timbodmb
Just one I hope... Uggh- I made the mistake of 3... regret it to this day.
I made the fortunate decision of three when I started my tank!
Why fortunate, you ask?
Because they all killed eachother off


i used to have 5 and they were not aggresive at all. i dont have them any more cause right when i added my undulated trigg he ate them all


Why do damsels get such a bad rep? I don't know much about them.


Originally Posted by kikithemermaid
Why do damsels get such a bad rep? I don't know much about them.
They get a bad rep because the are fearless and have no trouble defending a territory no matter what size the opponent is. They claim more than one territory and will defend each of them.

pastor b.

Dear hobbyists',When my wife and I went to the Dominican Republic, we saw plenty of Sgt. Majors that were the size of your hand .We also saw yellow tailed blue damsels swimming in schools. Maybe one day we'll go back to view the beautiful saltwater fish that live in the wild .


I had a yellow tail in my current tank, it was actually the most skiddish fish in the tank. I have since removed it, i had a domino and a three stripe in the tank, and it was going to get picked on by the other two damsels. I love my domino and three stripe!