I've got a problem, involving a powerhead.


First off, I'd like to say I'd appreciate no flaming, I've already thrown up because I feel so bad.My live order came in on saturday and with it a green bta. Good news is it's beautiful, bad is that it mozied up to my powerhead in the night. I don't think any of it's foot is damaged. I'm pretty sure it's just it's body (is that the right word?) that got sucked in. I took the screen off the powerhead and just let it hang off the anemone, it's completely clogged the screen. My water is cloudy, planning on doing a 5% water change cause' that's all I have on hand at the moment (when I get more water can I mix and heat it up then use it right away?). Should I move it to my quarantine? should I try to amputate the screen and part of it off or just hope that it works it's wy out (I'm pretty sure that won't happen, but who knows)?
Thanks a bunch.


Update: I moved it over to the quarantine, did a 5% water change and put in some fresh carbon. The tank is still cloudy, didn't seem to make much of a difference. I peeled the powerhead screen off it and have deduced (I love that word) that about a quarter of it's fot was indeed damaged. It's puffed up and moved a little since I put it in the quarantine. I'm off to school now, when I get home I'll do another 10% change and hope or the best.


Active Member
your QT lighting may not be good for the anenome, but is probably your best idea. you don't want an anenome dying in your tank. when you get home, turn off your pumps and let the anenome grab onto your rock. then turn your pumps back on and see if it stays attached.


Thanks reno but I just finished cleaning out the anemone from my quarantine, he melted down. Nothing in my tank seams harmed, although my cinn. clowns look lost. Do you think once I'm ready for another one the clowns will be up for hosting?


Active Member
if you get an anenome to host a clown before mine do i'm going to have to find out where you live and .... :scared:
if your clowns know what to do with an anenome, then yea, i think you'd be fine to put another in. just make sure it has enough time to grab onto your rock before putting the pumps on.


You need open cell foam diffusers on all your in takes regardless of whether your anemone nests or not. It may take a walk in the future and get sucked to death again.