First off, I'd like to say I'd appreciate no flaming, I've already thrown up because I feel so bad.My live order came in on saturday and with it a green bta. Good news is it's beautiful, bad is that it mozied up to my powerhead in the night. I don't think any of it's foot is damaged. I'm pretty sure it's just it's body (is that the right word?) that got sucked in. I took the screen off the powerhead and just let it hang off the anemone, it's completely clogged the screen. My water is cloudy, planning on doing a 5% water change cause' that's all I have on hand at the moment (when I get more water can I mix and heat it up then use it right away?). Should I move it to my quarantine? should I try to amputate the screen and part of it off or just hope that it works it's wy out (I'm pretty sure that won't happen, but who knows)?
Thanks a bunch.
Thanks a bunch.