I've got the smallest BTAs


Thought they were some sort of Ricordea when I saw 2 polys on a Tonga branch with some neon green Zoas for $40.
I decided to buy that piece.
Brought it home, set the branch in place, still thought those were some green Ricordea.
Next day, they slightly moved off the spot. So, I went.... :notsure: :joy:
I got 2 green BTAs about the size of a dime.
They are so tiny, but they are really healthy.
I've been wanting a BTA for so long and been on the look out for one.
Now I have 2. Not sure what their chances are to fully grow in my tank.
I fed them with Mysis and they grabbed the food quickly.
I'll will take extra time and efforts to raise these babies.
Not sure if it's worth it!!
Not sure if you can see anything in that pic. I tried my best to take that pic. They sure are small

They are right between my Fox coral and the branch.
They've been there for 4 days now. They seem to be very please with that spot.


are you sure they are BTA's and not majano's...i once bought a frag of greens zoos thinking i was getting some small green BTA's turned out to majano....looks like there is some aptasia at the top of the screen too


Originally Posted by jrthomas40
are you sure they are BTA's and not majano's...i once bought a frag of greens zoos thinking i was getting some small green BTA's turned out to majano....looks like there is some aptasia at the top of the screen too
I will do a searh on "Majano", just to be sure.
But the ones I have in the tank, the tips got bubbled up...but, will see.
Those you saw at the top of the pic is not Aptasia. Those are my Yellow Polyps.
I do I have 2 Aptasia in the tank that I need to get rid of them, but got lazy!!


I really don't know!!
I've done some research.
They look like Majano one day, look like BTA the next day.
Lets just assume they are Majano!! disappointed but dun want to be disappointed later...
If they are really Majano, I am cool with them, too...cuz my tank is really packed.
I have a big long tentacle anemone now. And corals are just so close to touching each other.
Not a good time for another anemone.


Active Member
if you dont mind me asking what store did you get that coral from, i think its a fox coral in the corner of the pic, whats your favorite place to shop


the reef shop I told you last time.
they have tons of corals but you will hate them for the price tags they ask.
I got my Fox there and that neon zoos there too, but those costed me a fortune.
I went to the deal in Del City......
That's where I got my sick super green Bubble and a Moon coral. But those are great deals!! Did you go there last Sat?


Active Member
yes i did go i didnt like this years sale, last years was so much better
sorry i double asked where you shoped, there have been a lot of people from okc latly and its hard to keep it strait which i have talked to and who i havent
from the sale i got 2 clowns, a huge green anemone(not sure what kind i forgot)(its about 12 or 13 inches across when opened) a cleanup crew, frogspawn and a fireshrimp