I've got weird blennies ~ ROFL


Active Member
Meet Starry:
He lives in our 75g reef and has been there since the spring. He is fat and happy and I kind of call him my doggy. He is always eyeballing me no matter what I do on the couch.
The other day I saw him snuggled in on a leather, almost as if it's his lounger.
"I'm ignoring you"


Then again today...

Then a Tailspot Blenny in my RSM nano. I had turned off the Tunze and next thing I see is him making the powerhead his home. Glad I looked in the tank before I turned on the powerhead UGH!

Gotta love blennies


Active Member
I love watching blennies. I forgot to mention that I have a Midas in an overflow in the 150g reef tank

He seems to like it there so I haven't started the fishing operations yet. He's been there quite a few weeks now :)


Nice pics and I agree blennies are awesome. I added a Flame Tail to my 75 and he sits in my cabbage leather some. I saw him a couple weeks ago pulling a hermit crab off a rock on top of one of my cbs after it made a bit of lunge at him. He doesn't take crap from anyone.