Ive got worms!!


New Member
Actually I have a worm hiding in some of my LR.
Whitish in color, about 3/4 of a plastic drinking straw in diameter, 2-3 inches has been visible at any one time.
How do I get the worm out of the rock short of boiling it and killing all the good growth that is on it?
Whenever I think I have a bead on it, by the time I get the LR out of the tank it has disappeared into the multitude of holes, etc. in the LR.
Is it harmful to the fish and inverts in the tank?

nm reef

Active Member
Don't freak and kill it just yet...more than likely a harmless(and beneficial) peanut worm.....


New Member
I googled the peanut worm and the pictures of it arent anything like what is in my tank.
I would describe it more like a piece of spaghetti once it has been cooked (same general shape, diameter, and color). :help:

my way

Active Member
Would'nt it make sence to research what it actually is before you go through the aggrevation of trying to remove it? It might very well be something beneficial to your setup.


Active Member
Once you've done your research and find that it's a good one. leave it. If it's something you want out of your tank, take the LR out that it's in, elevate it in a abucket and do a slow drip onto the rock. Most everything will crawl out and land in the bottom of the bucket (thats why you want to elevate the rock). Collect the critters and put the good ones back into the tank, get rid of the others.


New Member
I remember reading some time ago about a fellow who pulled a worm out of his tank that was over 6ft long. It was living in the piping and coming out at night to feed. I thought I remember it being a bad thing, hence my post here.

nm reef

Active Member
Yes...there was such a situation...but it was a very rare thing....and yours is far from that.


Originally Posted by HondoTech
I remember reading some time ago about a fellow who pulled a worm out of his tank that was over 6ft long. It was living in the piping and coming out at night to feed. I thought I remember it being a bad thing, hence my post here.
i read the same thing.... it was only a problem because it was clogging his pipe. that thing was HUGE! :scared: