I've got worms!!!!!!!


After doing a nocturnal viewing (lights out) of my 90 gal reef tank, I noticed a few red colored worms extending partially out of some LR. They appear to be bristle worms. My LFS told me if I have a few, I probably have thousands!
What can I do - and will these harm my fish and corals. I already have an Arrow crab in the tank - should i get more?
Please help!!!!
I wouldn't get too crazy quite yet. Bristle worms, if that is indeed what you have, are not all bad. They are mainly detrivores (eat the garbage). They can also benefit a DSB by stirring the sand. Arrow crabs are known for their ability to control bristle worms. Don't just take the LFS words for it, they would probably love to sell you 3 more arrow crabs and a couple of neon dottybacks to "rid" you of your "infestation."
See for yourself. Do some more nightly checks, and take a head count. A few small bristle worms shouldn't effect a whole lot.


Active Member
i would leave them in there. these little guys are probably the best scavenger in the biz, and to think that they come in as freebies on live rock and sand! definately cool stuff. if you already have an arrow crab i wouldnt really worry about it because he probably keeps the pop in check as it is!
good luck