Ive had it with my Clownfish bully!!!


He chases the damsel, and bumps heads with the Gramma in the 40 Gallon tank. The Gramma opens its mouth wide to face him and at first he slowed down but now he is bumping the Gramma and now if the Gramma swims by he goes after her.
So I have moved him out of the 40 and put him in the 10 which will be a Reef tank (2 live rock and live sand crushed coral).
Any advice, did I do the right thing moving him?
I have posted in some other threads about this but I had finally had it and made my own post. Now my Gramma and Damsel get along fine. Again, did I do wrong, did good, tips advice?


Active Member
False are members of the damsel family and damsels can be mean. IMO, the best thing with clowns are hoping that they will host something. That way they will stay in their host until feeding time.


Active Member
Well you cant buy sonething just for them to host because you dont know if they will host it. Of course if you have nothing then they cant. Mine have hosted an anemone, bubble coral and frogspawn. Maybe they just like stingers.


Yeah, I know they might not host. I was thinking of getting another clown about the same size if I can find one and a small BTA to throw in my 10 gal Reef tank


Moved some rocks, and bought a slightly bigger clownfish and now Bosco (the bully clown) kind of goes into a spasm on his side, is this him submitting to the other clown? They dont fight and paired up immediately. I was thinking I had him in the 10 gallon tank for 2 days and he did not eat, so I was worried about the spasm or is this a good thing between the two?


FTR, my clown attacked me today for the first time. From now on I can see us butting heads... but I will always win, ;-) .


Getting the slightly bigger clown has worked. He has calmed down and done well. Although he has chased the Damsel, he does not do it as much.