I've selected the wrasse, puffer, and tang, now it's time to select which trigger.


With you guys' help I have chosen the following:
Black Dogface Puffer
Greenbird Wrasse
Purple Tang
Now, I need to choose what type of trigger... Now with this set-up, I will probably have to get one of the less agressive triggers, but what do you guys think? Here are the triggers that have caught my eye:
Blue-throat trigger
Niger trigger
Clown trigger (probably too aggressive for this set-up, though, eh?)
Rectangle trigger
Huma Huma trigger
Lei trigger
I really would like the clown trigger the most, but some have told me it may be too aggressive. I'll leave you experts to decide how well each would do in the set-up I mentioned. :happyfish


I was told the same about the clown trigger, though they are gorgeous fish. Go for the either the Humu or the Niger. The Niger probably has a more peaceful personality but the Humu is prettier.


Go for the lei trigger. No one has one, they are very good community fish, and they are not very expensive. They are a good size as adults, but not too big. They have a really unique look to them and lastly they are beautiful. Sargassum triggers are also a very good choice for something not many people have.


Wow...I have almost the same list of fish!! I have the df puffer, a greenbird wrasse, and a scopus tang. I also have a niger trigger. He gets along wonderfully with all of my other fish.


Originally Posted by surfinusa
blue line triggers are very cool but kinda aggressive

Bad idea, these are about the same aggression as a queen and they get to 2' in length.


boalgf are you talking about the blue line trigger :thinking:


Active Member
although im not fond of triggers at all the least aggressive of them all is the niger. the bird wrasse is a very non aggressive wrasse ( great choise for the puffer). my personal experience with the niger though mine was very agressive and anoyed all of my other fish constantly until my lion stung him.from what i have heard or read i had a weird niger.


Active Member
I had a great blue throated trigger. Didn't really bother anything at all. Clown triggers I think are either hit or miss. I had a 5inch clown and he did not harm anthing.


I have an Undulated Trigger, and he doesnt obther by Dogface or Clown or Watchmen Goby. But he is only 2" long...


Originally Posted by I<3Fish
I have an Undulated Trigger, and he doesnt obther by Dogface or Clown or Watchmen Goby. But he is only 2" long...
Ouch... When he gets bigger I hope he doesn't have the same tank mates.


Active Member
i have like a 5-6 inch clown with a angel and niger and he is fine.......like the other fuy said its hit and miss with a clown


The humu humu and rectangle triggers are two of my favorite, however they might be on the aggressive side for you. I think everyone else is right about going with the niger.


Originally Posted by boalgf
Ouch... When he gets bigger I hope he doesn't have the same tank mates.
Yeah, I am selling my YWG and Clown. I am making my tank all aggressive with large fish.


From what I have heard and read about the clown and undulated, they may be fine for a while but as they near maturity they are going to want to be the only fish in the tank. They become very beligerent and have been known to bite the hand that feeds them, and they will slowly kill any other living thing in the tank.