IYO what are the chances?


Active Member
I'm trying an expiriment.. I want to see if I can get my clowns to bond with a condy anemone. what do you think the chances are of success? all opinions are welcome even if you think I'm being dumb for trying. love to get feedback from everyone, I'm more of a coral guy than a fish/ anemone guy so any input would be appreciated thanks. or if you have any tips on care for the condy or secret ways to help lead them to bonding would be cool too. thanks again.


Active Member
I think the chances are extraordinarily high simply because Condi's are one of the top 3 Anemones they are known to host. Amazingly enough, bubble tips are near dead last.


The chances are very high. I have a marron clown that hosted my condi within two days of introducing the clown to the tank. Now it is happy with the condi.


no worries,they will eventually form a bond with it,i have 2 clownfish 1 sleeps in a head of frogspawn and the other sleeps in a cave.They tend to make up their own mind where they feel safe.And just so you know it can take a good while before the fish will even notice it.I know this sounds dumb but its true.Have fun! ***)


Active Member
ok as little up date on the clownfish... they are bonding with a powerhead... rubbing on it and hiding behind it. oh well. I bought a mated pair of tomato clowns for my DT (got them both for $30 and a collection of 20+polyps I havent identified yet but dont have for $15 they look like unfrilled Zoos but they arent Zoos) and they, within two minutes of being in the tank bonded with my huge starry night Toadstool. HEh whatcha know. random as hell but pretty cool. alright gonna watch a movie now, later all.


Active Member
Originally Posted by candycane
I think the chances are extraordinarily high simply because Condi's are one of the top 3 Anemones they are known to host. Amazingly enough, bubble tips are near dead last.
Really.. I would say the complete opposite.


Active Member
Originally Posted by candycane
I think the chances are extraordinarily high simply because Condi's are one of the top 3 Anemones they are known to host. Amazingly enough, bubble tips are near dead last.

Condis are from the Carribean and clowns live in the Pacific!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Crox
Condis are from the Carribean and clowns live in the Pacific!!!
Yeah it seems pretty far fetched simply because of the fact that EVERY.........SINGLE..........ONE..............of the other responders has had it happen. AHAHHAHAHAH. Do people not subscribe to magazines or read marine biology books around here? Because that MIGHT come in handy. There are just a HUGE amount of recent studies of which clownfish host which anemone and why. Let me know if anyone wants a copy. I know it is hard having someone on the board that is MEGA smart like I am. It can be frustrating at times.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Crox
Condis are from the Carribean and clowns live in the Pacific!!!
Where did he say what kind of clowns he has by the way? that makes it even worse.


Active Member
Originally Posted by candycane
Yeah it seems pretty far fetched simply because of the fact that EVERY.........SINGLE..........ONE..............of the other responders has had it happen. AHAHHAHAHAH.
Not true
And yes I would like to get a copy of a few of those anemone studies.


Active Member
Tropical Fish Hobbyist, May 2006, Page 140, Article by James Casta.
Another source. Marine Biology: Clownfish Ecology. 2003.

Also I will apologize for the first time in my life. Which I will do if I am wrong. I was thinking Ritteri, not Condi. Condi's are closer to the bottom of the list.


Active Member
Originally Posted by candycane
I was thinking Ritteri, not Condi. Condi's are closer to the bottom of the list.
Yup, that makes much more sense.


your a cocky one candycane i dont think saying your MEGA smart is going to get you respect on this board its going to take time and alot of helping others. right now by saying that your smarter than everyone else your not very high on my respect list. just to help you fix your attitude


Active Member
I would say chances are slim.
I think it also depends on the type of clownfish. If I remember correctly, aquacultured clowns tend to host less often than wild caught clowns.


Here's a pic of my Clarkii when she was a baby hosting a Condi I rescued from a LFS. It was pretty bleached but came out of it and grew pretty big. I had to give it away when it started moving around and threatening my corals. The clown was pretty upset but eventually settled down and now hosts my huge spaghetti finger leather.