

i was planning on getting 4 250watt MH and 2VHO's on my 125g which is 60x18x24 in my canopy that is 11inches from the top of the tank. i see every1 with like 3mh and have HUGE tanks? i thought i was ok with what i was getting but now it seems to be way overboard.... any suggestions.. i was planned on getting 4 250watt 10k MH and 2 100+watt VHO attinics. not sure watts on those... let me kno.. thanks


Im no expert but four 250w on a 5' tank is serious over kill IMO.
What do you plan to keep in it?
Each bulb will cover a 2'x2' area.
250w are right for that depth of tank.
If money is not a factor I would go with 3x250w MH and 2x110w VHO 5' bulbs.
Try to get URI Super Actinic VHO bulbs if possible.


oh ok.. so 3 250watt MH.... and 2 VHO.... they will be on top of the canopy that is like 12.5inches (estimate) from water line.. and the tank is 2 feet deep......... is that good to touch the bottom or do i need something stronger..... i plan to keep clams and a bunch of corals... i really dont kno much about SPS and others.. but i heard SPS is more light req. but id like to keep them if i wanted to... so i want light that will support everything just in case i come across something i see and i want.... i want to be able to get it u kno?
btw, do u have AIM or AOL i can do messanger with for quick and so i can ask more questions about setting up my tank. i see you have a great success and id liek to opinions on what to use for turnover rate and some setup options


My AOL Aim name is jamnman4321
I would be happy to help if possible.
With the current lighting setup you will be able to keep anything you want.


im gonna have a Sump that has the filter socks that is gonna catch stuff from both overflows.. and my skimmer will be there etc. should i buy the refugium also and use that or is it really not neccessary. he told me u can add it later but i dont need it. should i just spend money on it and hook it all up now so i dont have to cut my pvc and redo everything when my tank is up?


jamnman u havnt been on in a few days hehe. how much live rock u have in ur 120? how about ur 170? what do u think i need in my 125 60x18x24 to make it look like ur 170.. that full?


Hey Mike,
I have been really busy lately.
I cheated with the rock work and built PVC rock stands.
It would have probably taken 250lbs in the 120 and 400 in the 175 to look like this.
I have around 400 lbs total in both of the tanks.
If you dont want to build PVC stands you had better count on about 200 to 300 pounds to make your tank look full.
Take care,


hmmmm and u cover all the pvc... can some1 post a drawing or a real pic... its 1 big structure or a bunch of cubes...