Jasmine/Fox Coral


My mom bought a beautiful Jasmine/Fox coral for her 150 gallon reef tank. It did great for several weeks, but now it seems to be slowly shrinking/dying. Anyone have any tips for this type of coral?


Active Member
Originally Posted by sooz
My mom bought a beautiful Jasmine/Fox coral for her 150 gallon reef tank. It did great for several weeks, but now it seems to be slowly shrinking/dying. Anyone have any tips for this type of coral?

Is it slowly receding into the skeleton? Like the flesh of the coral, are you able to see valleys from where it used to be?


Yeah, it appears to be slowly shrinking and we can see some of the skeleton now. I don't know her parameters right now, but I will try to get them.
Tankmates include 1 yellow tang, 1 eightline wrasse, 1 diamond watchman goby, 1 yellow watchman goby, 3 blue-green chomis, 2 PJ cardinals, 1 orbicular cardinal, 1 black & white damsel, 1 mandarin goby,1 flame angel, 1 banded sea star, 2 emerald crabs, 1 feather duster, hermit crabs & astrea snails; as well as a couple of colors of mushrooms, starlight polyps, button polyps, cabbage coral, kenya trees, zoantids, gorgonia, pulsing xenia.
All of the coral is beautiful and seems to be doing well except for the Jasmine.


Active Member
They tend to do that when they get to much water flow. Like if they have a powerhead aimed directly at them or are blowing around. My experience with them is that they are EXTREMELY hardy though.


Worth a try! I will tell her to try moving it to a different location in the tank. I know she does not have a PH blowing directly on it, but the flow could certainly be high in the area.