jawfish - a hassle or worth it??


but i cant vaccum my cc bed with out vaccuming all of my sand up..., like i said.. the cc is about an inch under my live sand.


Just throwing out an idea here, but why couldn't agoutihead strain the sand out of the CC, put that sand back in and then just add more sand? Not do it all at once as to release all the gunk in the CC, but maybe a little at a time. I don't know if it would work, or if it would remove all the good stuff in the process, or if disturbing the CC that much would crash the whole thing.
Don't try it yet, I may be out in left field, but it was just something that popped into my head as a possible solution. Anyone have any thoughts on this?


I think Aloha's suggestion would work if that is a route you want to go.
Regardless though, your sand is not "alive" in the dentrification sense, and you need to start vacuuming...I am not really sure how to state this more plainly. Your sand bed is building up detriuts, and will cause problems. I am honestly fairly surprised that your water parameters are not already way out of whack.
People with Deep Sand Beds do not vacuum and/or disturb their beds...people with shallow sand beds, whether they are CC or sand, vacuum. Vacuuming may remove some of the living crtters in your sand bed (I find tons of pods etc in the bucket after I vacuum) but they will all be naturally replaced.