Jawfish Pair question..

My husband surprised me after a horrible day at work with a pair of yellow headed jawfish. I guess our LFG has been looking for them for months for us. I just love them...although Torro (our lawnmower blenny) is a bit unhappy. I have some rubble for them, but will be picking up a small back of crushed shells for them to construct a proper burrow tonite. Currently they are burrowing where i can see them in the back middle of the tank. (I have the "two island" rock scape) If I put the rubble where I would like them to burrow would it incourage them to burrow there? Do them pretty much pick one burrow and never move from it? Or do them build several? Or do they get sick of their old ones and pack up and build another one? If I just put the CC in a certian spot will they move it? Or should I just place it close to them? They are doing great. Coming out and eating like pigs. They are so cute, I have been waiting for them for a very long time!

Thanks guys!


Active Member
I think if you gently distroy one burrow and chase them out, they'll move. I would, at least, if something distroyed my house. =O


Originally Posted by Fretfreak13
I think if you gently distroy one burrow and chase them out, they'll move. I would, at least, if something distroyed my house. =O
Since they're new to the tank, you should not have too much difficulty getting them to move. Keep in mind that there may be a reason why they chose this particular spot (flow, safety, depth of substrate, etc) and they may return to it no matter what you do. I have seen many make numerous burrows around the tank, but I have also seen ones that live in one burrow for years.
As for your blenny, keep an eye on him. Many are afraid of jawfish because the jawfish can (and probably will) chase them, nip at them and eventually scare rhem so much that they go into cardiac arrest (literally). Blennies are easily stressed and frightened. He may also consider jumping.
My LM Blenny seems to be the one causing the rucas. My husband thinks he wants to play
. LM blenny was the first fish introduced to the tank and he is obviously threatend. If he is not playing nice by this eveining im considering giving him a time out. I gave him some seaweed so hopefully this will distract him. Hes showing the jawfish how though he is and that this is his territory....even though it took him weeks to come out of his hidy spot when I first got him....
tough guy. Thanks for the help...I will try a few things.


Originally Posted by mermaidgrrl13
My LM Blenny seems to be the one causing the rucas. My husband thinks he wants to play
. LM blenny was the first fish introduced to the tank and he is obviously threatend. If he is not playing nice by this eveining im considering giving him a time out. I gave him some seaweed so hopefully this will distract him. Hes showing the jawfish how though he is and that this is his territory....even though it took him weeks to come out of his hidy spot when I first got him....
tough guy. Thanks for the help...I will try a few things.
LOL. When my dwarf angelfish started fighting, my blenny got in the middle of it and decided he was going to show them all who was the tougher fish. He didn't win, but at least they stopped fighting (with the help of the blenny and a picture of a big angelfish taped to the tank). At least he's not afraid, that would be worse.


Active Member
Leave the jawfish to set up shop where they want to. I kept a mated pair for a few years and they maintained the same burrow. By trying to force them to make a den where you can se it, you only stress them and this leads to many other problems. Don't "gently destroy" one of their dens so the have to move. I would certainly keep an eye on the LMB. They can bully fish like jaws, which by nature are not aggressive. Hopefully your substrate is deep enough to accomodate the jawfish. If it's too shallow and they can't construct a suitable burrow, they will move frequently and this is stressful to them. They are very skittish and are very good jumpers. It dosn't take much to make them launch so make sure your tank is well covered.