Jawfish Tank


I want to do something easy/fun/interesting with my 29 gallon. I was at SeaWorld last summer and they have an amazing Jawfish species only tank. They are the cutest and most endearing fish ever! I loved how they were always picking up rocks and carrying them over to their caves.
Here's my plan... Some Live Rock in the back for a group of Fire Shrimp to hang out in and bio-filtration. 7ish inches of several different sized sands, a few piles of crushed coral and rock rubble for them to play with and some PVC piping for them to use as burrow starters if they want.
I want 4-5 jaws.
Whatcha think?


Active Member
I would get two. They might pair up if it's a m/f . Otherwise they will make separate dens, which in the wild are spaced apart in open areas. Crowd too many of them in a small space and they will bicker. The send bed depth is great and the fish will appreciate it, but keep in mind that with 7 inches of substrate, the distance to the top is really decreased. Be sure the tank is well covered. I've seen a similar tank like that at Sea World. They are a great "species only" tank fish. I had a mated pair in my old 56 gallon. I would like to set up a tank devoted just to these guys again.


Active Member
I think 5 or 6 is to many. When you do set up your tank, remember they burrow, and any LR you have on top of the sand may sink and crush your fish. I cut pvc pipes and made stands for all the LR to sit on so my rocks wouldn't sink.


The tank is an eclipse system, so it already has a nice lid on it. Any LR in the tank will be minimal, so far. Their natural habitat is flat sand areas, but I'm not sure if that really pertains to a 29g tank.