JBJ 24 Cube HQI MH Upgrade Reviews???


I have the jbj 24 gallon nano cube tank with PC 36watt x 2.
Recently JBJ has introduced an upgraded hood that includes a 150 watt hqi metal halide lighting system
with cooling fans and moon lights. I want to know if anyone has this upgrade or has any thoughts on it because i want to get it for my tank so I can gave a nice little reef... the full hood and external ballasts are like $300. What do you think >??



Originally Posted by tromano32
I have the jbj 24 gallon nano cube tank with PC 36watt x 2.
Recently JBJ has introduced an upgraded hood that includes a 150 watt hqi metal halide lighting system
with cooling fans and moon lights. I want to know if anyone has this upgrade or has any thoughts on it because i want to get it for my tank so I can gave a nice little reef... the full hood and external ballasts are like $300. What do you think >??
I personnally think it is a bit pricey for JBJ. I have the 24dx. I recently found MH with actnic adn built in fans and timers for less, plus I was hesitant to buy the JBJ upgrade canopy based on how fast different parts of my stock canopy broke down. Th moon lights adn one of the fans stopped working after less than six months. Plus, unless you have a chiller, the MH lights are gonna cook your tank. I had to buy a chiller when I had just the stock lights on the tank. I think you may be able to find a better quality pendant for less money, and be happier in the long run. Maybe I just dont believe that the canopy is really gonna be that great. Hope I helped.


I don't want to have pendants because I bought the cube for the way that everything stays under the hood..
My tank is the dx as well... Yes, the fans suck, but luckily I am a computer hobbyist and they are the same style that computers use and from experience, Those fans wear out in about a year.. so I was planning on replacing them with some high power ball bearing computer fans..
My tank doesn;t require a chiller (maybe after the MH)... I run my tank at 81F and my ambient temp is about 73f..


Active Member
I have the JBJ 24dx with the hood removed and the 150w K2 Viper. From a lighting perspective, I've found the 150w halide to be awesome. I keep an anemone and clam in the tank and they are thriving. I'll never go back to the fluoresecent.