JBJ 28 Gallon Nano Cube HQI Aquarium?


New Member
i'm kinda new at the salt water thing and i've been told that the 28 gallon nano cube HQI is a good way to start off.
Can anyone give me tips on how to really start? i've did research and everything just wanting to know if buying this tank is a good start thanks


Active Member
it comes with everything equipment wise except a heater and skimmer (optional). its a good starter tank, but u should do more reading b4 setting it up. that way, u increase ur chance of success the 1st time out. the only problem the hqi may hv is the heat generated by the mh light.


New Member
ok thanks. Also i've heard if you have both live rocks and live sand that the whole cycle for the bacteria is pretty simple. Is this true?


Active Member
the key is get enought lr to begin with. i'd say get about 40-50 lbs, and let it cycle. its important to test b4 adding any livestocks of course. u can learn a lot more if u go to the nano tank forum. there r many posts that will help u learn about staring a nanotank.


Active Member
It's normally said to be 1.5 lbs per gallon for LR, and I always do the same number of lbs of live sand to the gallon. Usually turns into a decent sized sandbed. The ammount you need all depends on the tank you decide to go with.