As the title states. I've had the light for about a year (70 watt HQI). I had my weekend drill this weekend with the Army, and I get a frantic call from my fiancee back home. There was a strong smell of plastic burning in the house. We couldn't figure it out at first but then I heard her scream and I heard a zapping sound coming from over the phone!!! She yells and tells me its the plug coming out of the ballast into the light fixture itself. It was literally frying. She saw it spark up and quickly went to remove the plug from the ballast. She ended up burning one of her fingers pretty good. The unit got so hot one of the metal prongs from the plug melted into the ballast believe it or not!!... The thick black wire insulation is all melted and the plug itself is badly burned. I've never had a problem with the light, came on and off everyday on a timer, ballast was remote mounted off the floor (also on a surge protector). I'm pissed because the internal fuse never blew!!! What the hell, thank God she was home because I would literally have no home right now. I'm calling JBJ tommorow, that wasn't my fault, that was definitely a manufacturer's defect. I'm still soooo aggravated abouth this whole situation, has anyone experienced something similar? If so any tips as to what i should do next? I was even thinking along the lines of a lawsuit... but i don't know if I have a case.... any thoughts??