JBJ Lighting.....


Besides OceanJumper, has anyone used JBJ lighting. Not sure if youve seen my other threads but I was going to have to have a hanging ballast/canopy cause my hood wasnt tall enough. Anyways, I saw the JBJ Formosa Deluxe and I know I can use that instead. I was just wondering if anyone has had any luck with them. Do they light efficeintly? Are they prone to breaking problems? Anyone had to deal with their customer service?
Thanks a bunch guys. Really, Id be out of my mind (or bothering the hell out of my LFS if you guys werent here to help me.)
I have a 260 W JBJ Formosa over my 75, and it's worked great so far! No problems to speak of in four months of use.
I got a great deal on it to boot, so I have to say that I'm happy with the purchase;) HTH


Active Member
I have JBJ Formosa DX with the 4x65. Very good workmanship on the fixture, fans, etc. My original bulbs did not last but 6 months and have since replaced with coralife pc's. My LFS who sells them had the same problem with their bulbs. May have just been a bad batch. The fixture itself is very good though. Like the dual ballast, fans, switches to allow for dusk/dawn with actinics.