JBJ modifications? any help?

reef diver

Active Member
No not a surface skimmer, a protein skimmer, a surface skimmer removes surface film, protein skimmer removes dissolved proteins, best filtration you can buy. And Filterfloss holds the trapped detritus better when you remove it to clean it, sponges, it all just falls out.

reef diver

Active Member
Not ones that will allow you to close the top on the nano-cube, the only DIY one I know is a waterbottle skimmer that would be a hassle in a nano-cube


I thought that the use of a skimmer on a tank this small is not all that beneficial. It will remove needed nutrients as well. I have seen many nanos this size running great without the use of a skimmer.


Active Member
Ah! I got my stuff today..
sand, test kit, calcium test kit, hydrometer and pump
everything is damaged.. as usual except the hydrometer
The pump: maxi jet 900
How does this go into the nano cube?
Just as it is? the stock pump doesn't have any attachments or gizmos
it came with a black plastic tube and a small plastic.. i dunno.. cylinder?
and about a million pieces in a seperate back

reef diver

Active Member
Goes in just as is. The other attachments are not neccesary. Ok, lol, not that complicated, detatch the vinyl tubing (clear tubing) from the current pump, get a cup of VERY HOT WATER, and a cup of Ice water. Now take the end of the vinyl tubing you removed from the pump, and Put in the hot water for 30 seconds. Now work the end of the tubing over the output of the maxijet. Once it is on as far as it will go, pour cold water on it for 10 to 20 secs.


Active Member
WAIT.. you lost me.. current as in maxi jet, or stock?
the stock had a green tube with the 90 (degree) shape
but the green tube is about a dimes width
and the maxi jet came w/ a black air tube


Active Member
Ok, I might've just totally messed things up.
I took the green tube from the stock pump (with the 90 Deg. connector)
and added it to the maxi jet.. this right?
I accidentally broke the stock pump bringing it out of the chamber.. stupid me
EDIT: The green tube is loose.. not "fall off loose" but "if I pull gently the thing slides of like a butter knife and cheescake" kind of loose.. can I heat it? and make it tight?

reef diver

Active Member
Yes your doing fine, the stock pump is crap its ok that you broke it. The black airline tube is un-needed. And celtic, part of the reason youd want a skimmer in a nano is for keeping SPS, or a slightly larger amount of fish. Personally, a $100 on a skimmer is great if it means parameter security. ....... You sure u broke the pump?


Active Member
I broke the stock pump.. Ill take a picture
Guess the camera is in my moms car, so.. l'll take one later
the part where you clip (the green tube and 90 deg. thing) I broke one of the pegs off that holds it in place..
If you understand that. Hahah..
I'll take a pic when I get the camera back


Active Member
Does it matter which way the pump faces?
It seems the best way it will fit is facing the wall instead of the other chamber..

reef diver

Active Member
Not really sure what you mean. But basically make ABSOLUTELY sure of 2 things, 1 the pump intake is not covered, 2 it doesnt shoot water everywhere, do a freshwater wet test before you will with salt water.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ScubaNoah
yep, i just took out everything that came in the back. first chamber i put LR rubble in the bottom and bag of carbon in the top. second chamber i put more LR rubble in the bottom and then put the heater in there. third chamber is just the MJ 900, it takes up a little more space than the stock one so i dont put anything else in there. i modded a hydor rotating deflector to the output of the pump on the back wall. i also scrapped the hood and built my own, i put 3 24 watt pcs and 2 fans in it. another little mod is the skimmer mod. there is a guy on here that use to make a very nice surface skimmer but i dont remember who it is. you can do it yourself by using a dremel and cutting a small rectangle above the top inlet on the left side of the back wall. i then glue a piece of black plastic grid to the back of it for a nice clean look. it works very good but probably not as well as the guy on here who actually builds them. let me know if you have any other questions.

So hey if you put LR in the first chamber...do you remove the sponge that was in there completely? Or how do you run filterfloss at the same time? I don't even know what Filterfloss is but I am going to get some if LFS has some. Is the carbon put over LR in stage 1 enough to remove crap? Again, same in second chamber, if you put in LR what about sponge, carbon, ceramics, and bioballs? Do you need to run any lights back there if all you have is LR and no chaeto or anything other than LR? Or do you have more than just LR?


Active Member
Reef Diver - I've kinda went over the spending limit, and forgot LR rubble for the filter..
so I have everything that came stock, the only MOD is a maxi Jet 900 :-/
I hope to switch soon..
I got my live rock, and there is a bunch of.. coral? looking stuff, I'll try to take a pic
But a Pink Nudibranch type thing is my hitch hiker.. I THINK, I saw a blenny, could've been wrong.. I'll see
But do you know what kind of nudibranch I have? (If a nudi. at all)
It is light pink, and had a "coral looking" back, its back is flowing with the water.. kind of like frogspawn, or zoa tentacles.. I don't really know how to explain it better :-

ric maniac

Active Member
i have a question, on a jbj can you get the black off the back for a light and chaeto?? ive looked and it didnt look like you could but maybe you can.

reef diver

Active Member
Yeah of course you can
Take a razor
Slice 4 lines in a rectangle, that covers the 2nd chamber, then lift the edge of the vinyl covering, and peel, then use a razor to clean off teh sticky junk