JBJ Nano cube


New Member
If anyone can clarify for me
I have a JBJ Nano Cube, stocked
The reason this topic came up, I was asking for some advice on setting up a 3-4gal sump to control my nitrates
I went to my LFS and the worker recommended that I take out the bioballs and porcelin rings in my tank, saying those are harmful in a saltwater tank. I thought those were beneficial to my tank
Also he recommended that the sponge filter is only in the first slot in the back, then slots 2 and 3 are filled with small pieces of live rock and the fourth slot where the power head is, i put a bag of coal
any suggestions and recommendations?


if the tank is stocked with LR then yes you can take out the bio balls. I don't know about the porcelin rings cuz I've never worked w/ the specific system, BUT if they are there to serve as more bio filtration then you can remove them too.
The sponge is up to you wether or not you keep it at all. It will collect nitrates over time so you'll have to clean it a lot to keep that down.
I only run carbon as needed. I wouldn't run it all the time.


New Member
the problem with the bio balls and ceramic rings and sponge is that they build up nitrates. the bacteria in your LR should be able to take care of your small bio load, any other type of filtration will just add nitrates. I took out both the balls and rings, put LR rubble in the second compartment, Chemi Pure in the third and my pump (mini jet 606) and heater in the fourth. I also cut slots for an overflow and plugged up the intake vent, you can get a ton of info here on that mod. I took all sponges out except one and cut that in half, I keep that in the first compartment to help with filtering particles and I try to clean it out often.


New Member
thanks for the replies
over the weekend i semi converted the tank. I took out the bio balls and porcelein rings. So my first slot i left the sponges in there, second slot i have live rock rubble, 3rd slot half live rock with my carbon/coal. I will change to chemi pure in a month after i use up the coal i already bought. So its ok to place the heater in the 4th slot? IF thats the case, then great, that just saves me more room in my tank.


Take out those sponges! In the newer Nano Cubes they even now include a paper that includes, if you are going to keep a SW tank take out eveything in the back including sponges. In the mid term they will cause a nitrate spike even if you wash the sponges every week,


New Member
Thanks for all the info everyone,
I finally got to putting my heater in the last slot in the back with the air pump, it works WONDERFUL, not i dont have to worry about algae growing on the glass under the heater and the tank looks a lot cleaner.
I been on the JBJ website and downloaded the manual, I didnt see that it mentions removing everything for saltwater tanks? Maybe the website hasnt been updated yet? do i need any sort of filter media?


Yes and no. If you plan to use sand and live rock, the live rock will help. A cleaner crew of various creatures will help and so will plants. The problem is the media in time will either take away the good stuff your rocks, coral and other animals need to live. The sponges don't get of the things they collect and in time create a nitrate spike that can cause problems. Even if you rince off the sponge, you won't get the stuff deep inside. In a larger I don't think it would matter as much but in Nano Cube, it really does.