jealious wife!

my wife told me tonight i spend more time with the fish then ido with her but she wants me to buy this stuff for the tank. anyone else has the problem. ive been in the hobby for about 10 years and i love it.


My girlfriend actually times how long it takes before I start talking about my reef when I get home. But, I am in the process of buying a ring. I think that will give me plenty of leway. At least for a while.


My wife was totally against me getting a second tank because of the time that I spent on the 75g.
Then two weeks ago I had her drop off my 5 gallon containers at my LFS so I could swing by and get more water. Low and behold, I get a phone call from her about this "cute little" puffer (her words) that was staring at her when she was there.
24 hours later I have a 110 in my house and we are going to bring the little puffer home this week...
Go figure.


My wife is the same way!! She says when I get on the net that i am looking up fish ----!! hehehe if she only knew!! hehehe:D


My wife talks about the tank more than I do.
I just take care of it.
she is always calling me to come and look at something in the tank that she thinks is new on the rocks.


Active Member
Occasionally, when I get home from work I say "Hi" without the normal hug, kiss and "how was your day" and I head right for my tank (usually after a new addition where I am curious to see how it made out all day). I do the same to the kids sometimes. This usually gets me in the dog house in a hurry!:rolleyes:


Active Member
Well, what about hubbies that "complain"? Yes I am a she, despite what my user name says (that's a different story). I get alot of slack too (daily)---and yeah he has said many times "could you talk about something else but the tank". Ya I can, but I always leads back into something about it......I can't help it. I think I say things in my sleep LOL. But, I must be rubbing off on him---he has an awsome 150 FW that he wants to be SW---hummmm ;)


Active Member
Maybe it's just a coincidence but.......since the wife left my diatom problem went away, and both me, and the fish seem less stressed:D


My wife did nothing but complain about the time I spent here and with the tank, until one day just recently she called me at work and told me there was a problem with the tank. No being able to come home immediately I walked her through a small problem or removing a snail who had become caught in one of my overflows, make a awful sound. Since then she checks on the tank when she walks buy and now searches for the next coral she wants. Even lets me now spend money without complaining and has even purchased some as she puts it, cute LR pieces. I'm in heaven right now...enjoying it more now that she involved. She's even trying to talk the kids into contributing to the tank fund:) :) :)


Active Member
My wife (love her to death) says we work to support the tanks...when she gets really down on them...I make her something new for the house....and on very extreme circumstanecs I take her to the LFS...that always works...
Most recently though...I suggested moving all the filtration to the basement below the tanks...because she hates the water change mess....ever wonder about all the nice new neat things one needs to accomplish this? Had a blast doing it...and got a ton of new stuff out of the in return I made her a new door for the kitchen and two new thresholds for two kitchen doors...a give and tank...err take situation here.


Active Member
My fiance doesn't exactly love it when I blow $50 on a coral or LR, but it's a little easier after puting a $4500 rock on her finger.:eek: Yeah ouch.. Of coarse whenever we are having $$ issues, it's my fault because I bought this and that for the tank. Who else has heard this one before??---"You and your stupid tank!!" I'm betting that most of you have. After that, everything else is BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH................ Cuz I turn it off after I hear that crap. The woman that disrespects the tank does not deserve the time of day. Anywayz, this is very healthy... I'm venting.. The secret is to take the wife to the store with you, and talk to the fish guy about whatever, so that the wife can sit and stare at all the pretty corals and cute little fish they think will look good in the tank. And then all of a sudden, we CAN afford this and that for the tank. Last time I took her with me, I walked out of there with 15 lbs LR, 3 blue ricordias, and a 2 lb BADA$$ piece of rock with 6 different kinds of shrooms and polyps on it. I struck it rich that day. I know it doesn't sound like much but I'm a college student. Worry free too, because she told me it was ok....I probably should have gotten that in writing.. That's my story:rolleyes:
it kinds of sounds ike we are married to the smae my wife is a college student and i work inconstruction but the weather here in n. cali is strange. my wife told me i spend to much money at the lfs. well she walk in and finda a poylps she really likes on rocks the size of a really small football (6 inc) and she paid 30 bucks for it and she got a sea star for 20 and a pygmy angel for 30. all i got was a $5 crab. anyways MY tank looks good i bought some coral books to do research on and she likes all the coals i do so if i stay out of the dog house i will prosper.


Active Member
Califishdude- Hey, at least your's will go off and buy some on her own, THAT's a good wife man..... Mine will be like "Oh I picked up something for you at the fishstore" And I'm like YES!!! Then she's like "I got this cute SNAIL"....................... OH COME ON!!!!!!!!! Call me ungrateful, but seriously......... That's playing with one's emotions.... It's Wrong!!:mad: I think I need to tell her I need a cute little dragon goby fish.. She likes them:D Hey my B-day is around the corner- in 2 months- maybe I'll get something out of her for that.... FOR THE TANK I mean...;)