jealious wife!

My girlfriend gives me crap about talking about fishies all the time. But in reality, I think she secretly enjoys them. Yesterday I took her to the LFS with me and later that night I went to my TKD class and when I got home she made me close my eyes and surprised me with a brand new tank! She went back to the LFS after I left and bought the tank we were looking at earlier. She supports my habit as long as I don't spend too much money or talk about fish on a romantic date. *LOL*
:D :)


Heres a valuable tip.....
When trtaveling for business for a few days and you leave the wife home with the 3 kids....The first thing you ask when calling home should NOT be "how does the tank look"
You gotta mix in a few "how was your day" and "what are the kids doing" before going right to the tank....its like foreplay


Active Member
My wife & kids love the tanks... Usually by the time I get home I'm keyed up, stressed out and in a bad mood. I head straight for the fish room and within a half hour I'm relaxed and in a good mood.


My wife controls the finance in our house so I have to suck up and spend time with her occasionaly so I can buy more stuff for my tank!


Active Member
My girlfriend said to me the other day "turn around so i can talk to the back of your head." I was like what are you talking about.
her reply, well, ever since you started this fishtank, all i ever see is the back of your head!!


I waited until I was married before I started mine. At 1st it was hard because I was in the tank 1-2 hr a day always tinkering. After awhile it became to much and we were fighting over it. I then explained that if I upgrade this and that I would spend less time, ie water changes from the tap water filter to a 100gpd ro/di, new skimmer, new lights, more chemicals, easy to care for fish. Soon water changes went from 1hr to 10 min and 15 min a day in the tank. See was happy with that. Then the money problem came with buying so much livestock. $20 here $40 there on the credit card or ATM. I convinced my seller to use paypal, problem solved. I sell items on ---- when the reserve is low, non traceable. Now my tank is really stocked. Everything is running smooth and few problems with the wife. Could be worse, I could be at a bar or getting into trouble or doing things outside the home. She knows where I am at home and that is a good thing. The real funny thing is she cares less when I bring new things home but when someone comes over she gets all excited and explains everything in detail. So even though she doesn't seem to pay attention when I tell here things she really does.
tonight my wife said i could go into the fish store and only spend 20 bucks. well i ended up sepnding 25 and two pieces of LR and when i went home dam, a small plant starting to bloom like a baby coral or something.


Active Member
My fiancee is also my "saltwater partner" .....we have four tanks going, and she spends probably more than I do on the tanks. :) She will stare at the rocks like I do, she loves to learn like I do, and this hobby is probably our greatest common interest. :) :) When I bug non-hobbiests with details they could care less about......she is annoying them right beside me.:) Some days I fall in love with her all over again.........some days anyway.:D


I guess I am one of the lucky ones, my husband is into the tanks (all 3 of them) as much as I am, nobody complains about how much time or money is spent on them. He usually wants to buy more than I do (and I want a lot). Last night he actually said 'let's get up early and hit the fish stores first thing in the morning.' Gotta love this guy!!!!:D


New Member
My wife and I are saltwater partners too. If it wasn't for her and her research, I 'd have a shark and a lionfish in with a coral beauty and clown.


Active Member

Originally posted by Tanked
My wife and I are saltwater partners too. If it wasn't for her and her research, I 'd have a shark and a lionfish in with a coral beauty and clown.

OMG my husband made a post:D


califishdude....I am from Tri-cities washington. Have you ever heard of Hanford nuclear rez???? I live by that. What direction are you going to Idaho?? Are you going through Spokane?? Let me know
Mike email me

tahoe ocean

Ha! My husband bought the tank for me one Christmas 6 years ago and told me it was so that I could have a a hobby since he works nights. Now he wishes he'd gotten me a boyfriend!
im leaving redding and going to bonneylake for a day to see my sis and then driving maybe through yakima for a nice drive or going up to 90 and going east to a town north of cordelanes, its called sandpoint. im leaviong for the week before easter.

zack schwartz

Active Member
califishdude and wildmike
I live in Bellevue or on I90 pritty much. If you come farther west you can meet me and i can show u super cool stores:)
When my boyfriend calls the first thing he says is "are you busy with the fish tanks" or "What are you doing in your fish tanks now" Can you believe it he will not let me have a tank at his apartment.