Jebo 2006 Light


Active Member
I did a search and read some oppinions about the Jebo light. However the 2006 model comes with 3 switches and fans, does anyone have this one? I am thinking of purchasing a 48" pc Jebo light the one that is 260w. It is half the price of anything else. Are they good or not?


Same here. I just got mine up over the weekend and I think they're great for the money! Does the same as other PC's for half the cost. The blue moons aren't all they're cracked up to be, however functional, and the legs could be a little better designed. Although I've only had it up for over the weekend so I can't speak for it's reliability.


Had my 06 260W for about a month now.. and as everyone has told me, the fans have stopped working, no big deal I guess... I mean you get what you pay for! Other than that, and the legs that wont fit the top of your tank, and the lights comming with no gauruntee... they are ok


Active Member
I received my 06 36inch MH combo in January from an online aquarium shop, not

i have been extremely happy with mine. I am not sure why some people have complaints about the legs. Mine are made of metal and they are very strong. They fight my 36 perfectly. My corals love the MH.


well you have a diff unit with diff legs... the problem we all had is that the 46" model legs, do not fit the tank, they just are not engineered right.. You can make them work.. but its not how they are suppossed to be.. and yes.. many people have had the fans stop working, I would refer you to the post with all of these in it, but when SWF deleted my account for critisizing my order from them (Which they are probably going to do now) the threads with pictures were also deleted


I had my JEBO running for some time now . 1st the stands where plastic and not that good for the weight of the 72" long unit . 2nd the plastic cover shield for the bottom of the light fell out of the unit as soon as it got hot . 3rd the led lights do not light up a 125 gal tank or stay in the light fixture . But for the price it does light up the tank ....


Are you useing these lights with a canopy? The seller has mailed me saying that you can't and I am looking for opinions about this.


Active Member
I wanted to use them with a canopy too. Why wouldn't you be able to use the light under the canopy with out the legs.


I used my 05 48" jebo pc on my 90 gal. my about 7 months with canopy.
no legs just put in on the glass. it worked just fine. the fan is load when it frist turns on but it is donig the job. If you has afford better light than do it. you can get VHO at a good price.