JEBO power compact- a good light?


Hey Guys!
I need to upgrade my lighting (right now I only have 160 watts for a 75 gallon) and I was looking on ---- and found 48" 220W JEBO power compacts for 60 bucks plus shipping. Sounded like a really good deal but then i noticed that they do not have any cooling fans- is this still a good deal?
Otherwise there are all those coralife power compacts which offer 260W for about $200... is that a better deal since they come with fans (or perhaps for some other reason)
I really don't know that much about lighting so any advice (about power compacts cuz that's what i'm sticking to) would be appreciated!


Active Member
I have 2 X 96W PC lighting in my canopy. I got it retrofit and I don't use any fans. My canopy is open in the back though.


jebo is a peice of crap.i had one of those exact fixtures.70 bux.220 watt.junk.thit only lasted about 6 months before the ballasts started to burn,you could smell them from across the room.worthless your money and buy something vho lighting.i did buy a custom sealife life power compact that i was pleased with,but nothing compared to the growth and expansion my corals do with the vho's that i had put in.needless to say,i sold the csl light,do not waste your money on that crap from jebo like i did................:jumping:


Thanks motohead!!!
I'm so glad I asked before wasting my money as well, but I'm sorry you got ripped off. Are there any specific VHOs you would recommend?


well i have a icecap 440 ballast running mine,3 60" 110 watt lamps.2 are 10000 k and one is actinic.the lamps are manufactured by uri.


i am so much happier with yho lighting than pc.light quality much better too.course if you have some deep pockets you could go metal halide and vho.unfortunately,i cannot spend a weeks salary on lights for the tank my wife says,,,,,,,,,


Wow motohead- those pics are amazing!!! Totally jealous! I think I'm gonna have to go the vho route instead- do you know of a good place to purchase them from?


I've had the Jebo 48" on my 55 for two years with no problem. The actnic is not a true 03 though. I also have the coralife 48" with fans on my other tank. It's deffinately a better quality light. It's about your wallet and what you plan to put in the tank.


ive got the jebo 220 on my 55 for 6months and its fine the actinic is not true so i got new ones 30 bucks i put in fans but they hum. so i dont use them. they dont get that hot. i like them for the price.


My jebo was pretty much Dead On Arrival. only 2x55 worked, but the heat was minimal. i would not recommend though


Active Member
I have the 24'' 2x55 watt jebo light over my refugium and I have ran it 24/7 for 5 months and had it on a 20g. for about 3 months.


I,ve got the same light as well on my 55, the 48" 220 watts..6 months now with no problems so far and the tank is doing great!!Guess like it was said before, depends on how deep your pockets are!!


if you compare pictures of pc lighting compared to vho as far as quality of light is concerned,there is no other choice,cept like i said before,metal halide.................