Jebo UV Sterlizer


New Member
Anyone ever here of this company? I see there UV sterilizers on ---- all the time for 30 bucks was just wondering if there just crap or there any good? Any input would be appreciated.
Thanks Dave


Active Member
I know Jebo makes ehiem canister clones, and they have great reviews in the planted freshwater world - dunno about their uv sterilizers though :notsure:


there skimmers work good as well. especially for the price. dont know about the uv sterlizers though. im lookn at one myself.


Always remember you get what you pay for. I know this is an expensive me, I've got over $7,500 in both my tanks (125) (55). I'm all for finding the best deal out there, but when only one company is selling things for dirt cheap, it makes me wonder. You do not want to be skimpin' on your filtering or lighting. You will just have to replace what you've already bought, plus more than likely, you've lost some fish/corals/inverts in the process. So when that $50 you were trying to save has cost you $215, next time you will wait and save up the $$. It takes years to build a good tank and equipment.


i got the 13 watt jebo uv for $30. so far it works pretty good. quality seems to be ok nothing great. But it does have a quartz sleeve and it came with a powerhead so for $30 it wasnt a bad deal at all. Even if the uv unit breaks or was extremely crappy, i still got a 290 GPH powerhead for $30.


oh and by the way, if you do get it i would recomment getting a smaller powerhead so water runs through it a lot slower. UV units work the best when the water is slowley going past the bulb. If the water rushes by the bulb too fast then the light will not have enough time to kill anything in the water.