Jen Tarantula help....


Ok im thinking of purchasing one...
the same as yours... brazilian black right?
well how big of a bitat do thy need? And what should i keep in it?
gimme info on upkeep.


Ok, lets see...
Species: Yes, shes a brazilian black. The males (around 5 years, the females can live up to 20 - so I was told) The Pinktoes are good for starters too. Did you check out the link I sent?
Housing: I have her in what she came in, a clear plastic "salad" container with snap-top lid. What they come in depends on what size they are when you buy them. The little ones stay in little souffle cups with lids until they get bigger. If you get a sub-adult, and I recommend you do, youll want a smaller container. The reason for this is because they are terrestrial, meaning they need more floor space than height. Plus, if you get a container or tank thats too high and they climb up the side and fall, the weight of their body can cause them to basically break in half due to body design. They make 1' acrylic cubes (Ill be getting one soon) and all you have to do is fill it with about 6" of spider dirt (Ill explain later) This is what I have Alzubra in (see below). I made a "dip" in the soil and placed a party cup cut in half over it so she has a little cave. You can also buy cork or bark that they sell in the pet stores.
Humidity & Temp: Youll want to keep her in a temp between 70 and 75ish. And since they come from humid environments, get a spray bottle or mister and mist the soil and the sides of the container. You dont want it sopping wet, but not dry either. Also be careful when you mist. If you accidently spray the tarantula, they could jump!
Spider Dirt: Spider "dirt" is essentially eco-earth, vermiculite (Walmart probably has it in the potting soil area) and a pinch of garlic powder. The shop where you get your spider should have some or the container will already have some in it.
Feeding: I feed Alzubra a pinhead cricket every other day. You want the cricket to be a little smaller than the size of the body of the tarantula. If the tarantula doesnt seem interested or shies away from it, remove the cricket. They are not ready to eat. Tarantulas will also stop eating before a molt. As they get older this is how the feedings will go... 1/4" crickets, wax worm, 1/2" crickets, 3/4" crickets, super worms, full crickets, pinkie mice, annoles. Start off with 1/4" crickets, then move up to wax worms and so on.
Molting: When a tarantula molts, it will lie on its back, belly up. IT IS NOT DEAD. DO NOT FREAK OUT AND OPEN THE CONTAINER/TANK AND TRY TO MOVE IT! Once they are out of their molt, they will be soft for a few days. Once again, do not bother it. I kept Alzubra in my room with the lights off and my hat over the container for extra privacy. Once their fangs turn black, they are able to eat. Do not feed them while they are molting.
Upkeep: Besdies feeding and misting, theres really not much more. If the substrate gets kinda nasty, replace it.
I think I covered pretty much about everything. If you have anymore questions, just drop me a line. And if I think of anything else, Ill let you know. Or go to and email Adam. He'll be happy to help you out. He'll even sell you one and ship it!


sweet... i was thinking i owuld have to set up a small tank like a 10 gallon or something.... would that be ok?
I dont want to hurt it when you said it could fall but i want a pet....
how is she when you hold her?



Originally posted by pwnag3!!
sweet... i was thinking i owuld have to set up a small tank like a 10 gallon or something.... would that be ok?
I dont want to hurt it when you said it could fall but i want a pet....
how is she when you hold her?

How big are you planning on getting. If you get an adult, an get a 10gal, youll want to build the substrate up so its 6"-8" from the top. That way if it climbs.... If youre going with a small spider to start (wise choice) then youre kinda stuck with small containers. Also the reason for a small container when theyre little is so they be able to find their food and wont have go search all over for it.
I havent taken her out and held her yet. She's still a baby and hasnt been handled that much. Plus with her being moved over here about a week and a half ago, I wanted her to settle in. I have my hand in the container every day (except during molt) just so she gets used to something in there with her. I dont bother her, just move some dirt around or whatnot. She's come up a few times and touched my finger but that was about it. Ill probably wait til her next molt before i try to pick her up. They tend to settle down as they get older.



Originally posted by pwnag3!!
ihow often do they molt?

When theyre little, once a month maybe, as they get older, growth slows and the molts are further and fewer.


cool. Im gonna get one when i move into my new place in like 6 days... u still getting me my house warming gift???


I'm soooo proud! Great post jen you really know yer stuff I better watch out, you might put me out of a job soon


One of a couple owners glad to hear your getting a spider they make great pets. Alot like fish just ya know alot easier!