Jet issue


I have a power jet that has sucked up a number of my fish. I've been fortunate to pull a few fish out of it in time, but I've lost more than I have been able to save due to it. Is there a way to help prevent the fish from getting sucked it? Do stores sell something to prevent this? Any and all suggestions are appreciated.


Thanks! It came with a funnel shaped thing, but when I put it on the jet, I noticed the suction increased. Is this the same thing you are talking about or is this something I can purchase at a LFS? Thanks for your help!


Active Member
Originally Posted by ryanhayes9
yep a funnel shaped thing that goes on the opeing of the powerhead will get a pic

might not look exactly like it but you get the idea


Active Member
The nozzle won't do anything. You need to find the prefilter screen that came with the maxijet and put that on to stop it from sucking in big particles (and fish).