Jeweled Moray


he ate my 9" fimbriated moray lst night and that kind of sucks. I really want to house 2 eels but obviously need something a little more mature with some size. any ideas?
RIP Fimby


Active Member
No matter the species, it's never a good idea to house two Moray species together when they're not the same size.
Sorry to hear about your Fimby.


Originally Posted by Cherish life.
srry bout the fimby...he was really cool
yes i am sorry...guess it was no one's fault but my own and unfortunately in this hobby, the only way to really learn a lesson is at the expense of the animals. i have to say i really didn't think this would happen. i figures he might go after my yellow tang or for sure my chromis, but was not ready for him to get this guy. i'm pretty bumbed out, but i am still very pleased with this specimen.
aw...what kind of filtration did you use for your guys when you still had both?


Oh My god.
This eel looks So Beautiful.Congratulation.
I have had many different eels in my tank, especially jeweled Moray. But this coloration is Unique. I hope you take good care of him.very nice looking. try to take a pic from whole body, if its possible.


Active Member
Originally Posted by greenwolf52
aw...what kind of filtration did you use for your guys when you still had both?
My Dragon is still in the 90gal, by herself.
My filtration is aprox. 200lb of live rock in the display, along with a 50gal. sump with another 40 - 50lb of rock. I use a Coralife Super Skimmer 220.


thanks a lot for the replies about my new eel. i think he is gorgeous myself and i feel bad that i went right ahead and put all the blame on him for the death of my fimby. iwas looking around the tank this morning and found the little guy on the ground lifeless. guess i should have sealed the top of the tank a litle better. he got out of a crack about 3/4" big. they always say to seal the tank tightly when you have eels and i guess it was just a coincedence that it happened to occur on the first night that i had the big guy in there.
anyway...i was gonna feed this guy some fresh snapper i bought from the grocery store. do you think that he will eat it? it's the first time i'm feeding him and i'm pretty excited about it.
also i would like to replace my little fimby in the not so far future with a much larger specimen of the same species. are those readily available at that size? i know you can't post links to other sights but what do you think anyway?


Well I'm scratching my head now bc so far I have not been able to get this guy to eat. I've had him since wednesday afternoon and he has not yet eaten anyhting. He was eating silver sides at the lfs but he will not eat them here. I've even tried bits of raw red snapper soaked in garlic and also tried without garlic thinking he might not like the smell of it (like my wife). still no luck. any ideas? do you think he is just full from the lfs? if so, how will i know when he is ready? kind of sick of preparing all this food and then he doesn't eat it.

btw...i was able to get store credit for my niger so now i am down to the jeweled moray, orange toadfish, yellow tang and reef chromis. i think i may have room for another nasty eel and look forward to having one, but it won't be for a while.


use a clam
id pay money if it dosnt will work
thats how i got mine to eat
just break off the top half
and drop right by his hole it will be gone
they eat everything once their started
mine didnt eat for about a month and a half at the pet shop so
they made a deal with me sayin if he dies theyd give me a refund
so i took him home
gave him a clam and he dominated it so just start with a clam
I always ask my self
how do you get this fat thing to stop eating is the real question for me lol j/k


Shrimp would probably work well too. You could also go with scallops. It always makes me jealous that my eel gets to eat better than I do!
I've also used live feeder fish to stimulate a feeding response and then weened my eel over to stuff I pick up at the seafood counter.
Beautiful eel, by the way.


thanks everyone for their advice...i will definitely try to use clams or shrimp instead. i'm sure he will eventually figure this out. he's got to get hungry sometimes, right?
anyway. so glad to hear that everyone thinks he looks as cool as i do. here's some more pics



believe me
the clam before the shrimp
when hes hungry youll know
and your gonna ask your self why you got it eating
mine is eating me out of my families house


believe me
the clam before the shrimp
when hes hungry youll know
and your gonna ask your self why you got it eating
mine is eating me oand my family out of the house


i been have to feed my Whitemouth like every two days. And large portions I have been feeding squid, Octo, salmon, and tuna.