JJJoey's Tank :)


Active Member
My 55 Gallon
intake refugium (with Chaeto)
Emperor Biowheel
Fluval 404
UV sterilizer
RO.DI unit
1000 multi turboflotor Protein Skimmer


48" Extreme Orbit 2x130watt SunPaq with Lunar Lights & Fan
48" Jebo 4x 65 watt PC lights

Snowflake Eel

Daisy Coral
Kenya Tree
Green Mushrooms



Active Member
thanks :) i want to get a anenome soon
but i need to sell my 2 light fixtures and get a VHO fixture


Active Member
well i had a 10k bulb out along with a ballast out on my orbit extreme
sooo tonight...
i took my mom's old pc fixture.. took her ballast out
and put it in place of my other
now i have a 96 watt 10k with a 130 watt actinic on my tank
along with my other fixture
so now i have 446 watts of PC lighting on my tank.
what all kind of corals can i get with 446 watts on a 55 gallon tank?


Active Member
Originally Posted by JJJoey
what all kind of corals can i get with 446 watts on a 55 gallon tank?

Basically everything except SPS. You could maybe even try some montis. I kept everything under 140w pc over my 20g. Take it slow mayne.