JJJoey's Tank :)


Active Member
i was wondering
could i school a species of fish in a 55 gallon
like maybe cardinal fish or something?
maybe a nano species


Active Member
a plastic intake cover is fine as long as it has a large enough surface area.
a sponge cover is nice b/c you won't have anything getting trapped in that, but it also becomes a filter that you have to clean (this is good, but an extra thing to have to maintain)
you should be able to school some - cardinal or green chromis work well.
Originally Posted by JJJoey
well last night
the anemone got sucked into my fluval intake and was destroyed
it looks disgusting and its in a bag floating in my tank.
i would post a pic but its nasty
i've heard that you need to turn off all your filters, pumps, skimmer for at least 2 hours when adding in an anemone it needs time to find a spot where its comfortable then once it does it usually remains there unless something disturbs it, once it finds its "home" then you can turn all your equipment back on

did you do this?? if not sorry i didn't tell you earlier.

sorry for your loss. but on a lighter note your tank is looking great keep it up. I would school 4 or 5 chromis or 3 or 4 firefish that would bring out some nice color to your tank.


Active Member
that's a good thing to do when adding an anemone - but really, it's going to move until it finds a happy spot.. and it might stay there forever, or just a little while and then move again. I've got a couple - one stays put and the other is always moving..


Active Member
im going to wait until i have T-5 or Metal halides + more experience before i get another anemone
until then
i just ordered 3 pajama cardinals


Active Member
been awhile
new pics

my toadstool kinda got crushed by a rock earlier today, but its recovering
i ordered 4 new bulbs for my back JEBO fixture
and i ordered a calc and alk test kit
and hopefully will be adding more fish and coral to the tank sooon

any suggestions?



So you gave up on the Clarkii to get a pair of percs, huh? When I get my
37g up and Im going to try and convince myself to bypass the pair of percs for a Clarkii or Tomato.