I just came from the Cars Topic...
What do u guys do for a living.. So I know what to major in as I finish up college.. :)
---Enquiring Minds Want to Know?!?!


I am a cancer biologist for a large pharmaceutical company - I test new molecules made by my chemists to see if they stop the growth of cancer cells. I majored in biology undergraduate and got a Master's degree in Pharmacology and Toxicology (drugs & poisons. The pay is pretty good but even better is when one of our drugs helps someone.


I do HVAC and plumbing design for commercial buildings.
I'm majoring in Aerospace Engineering, going part time currently.
I divert what little money I have left over into my tanks.

david s

i am a computer tech for h and r block district and regional lvl i like it nice company to work for


I work almost full time as a waiter, carryout, and host at a restaraunt.. I also am a full time college student majoring in biology and genetics.. My dream job is a cloning technician(for human cloning). But will probably wind up proffesoring at a local college/university


I'm full time student, working on my philosophy undergrad. Plan on getting masters and doctrite to teach philosophy at college level. Going to be in school forever!!! I have like 8 more years left, so no 4000 gallon tanks for me in the near future. :D


New Member
Hey I actually have the pleasure of taking care of fish, salt, reef and fresh, five days a week at a pet store, my husband makes all the money so I do what I like, love my job, not to mention the discounts!!!!!


i am full time medical student, gona be graduating in about 2 years. i am new in ths hobby. but yeah...go med i guess if u like it :)


i use to be a union hvac/pipefitter making big bucks 40.00 per/hr. now i am taking care of my wife who is a quadraplegic. and we are on state aid talk about a turn around in your lifestyle.


i am a patent associate for a major pharmacuetical company. will begin law school in august. the pay is excellent and you can't beat it when your company pays for all your schooling :)
I run the nj branch of a nation wide auto hauling company. i also farm corals and sell to lfs's, and other reefers. also, my wife works in MRI. so, all together, we pull in about 150,000 a year. not too shabby. :D


I am a RN in the first and still the only prison ICU in the world. It is a tough job sometimes but it is usually very challenging and rewarding. The $$ could be a little better, but it beats driving to Houston every day!