
I work at Publix grocery store, lol. Bagging groceries.. but since I'm only 14, I guess that's not too bad.


Spent 17 years workin shiftwork at a papermill and was laid off with an enhanced severance package. I now am a full time student, studying environmental technology (pollution control, hazmat, hazwoper, industrial hygene, and osha laws). Hopefully I can find a job when I'm finished. Wife works for planned parenthood.
I am a nurse in the operating room since 1975. Love my job and always will. Pay has come a long way for nurses...was $3.54/hr when I started out.
Am on call a couple nights a week, I log on to the BB when I can't get back to sleep in the middle of the night. This is such a relaxing hobby.


Active Member
I run a detail shop here in town and one across the bay. My Dad owns them as well as a Suburo dealership. I also have a tank maitanence sertvice for a few up-ity pompass rich people who have no idea how to take care of a tank. I love both of them. I make about $130 to $150 a day at the shop and pull in another $200 a week with the tanks. I pull in around $48 to $50 a year. My girlfriend works for a bank while she finishes up her finance degree. She makes about $10 a hour plus overtime. Not to shabby for a 22 year old couple in deep south Alabama.


Active Member
Will see about that next time Texas calls on a friday.. Whos' ya daddy now?? <img src="graemlins//evilwhorn.gif" border="0" alt="[Evil Horn]" />


I am a Paramedic who worked 5yrs on the truck and just got burned out....(4 of those yrs were in the Army) I am now a mobile crew supervisor at United Blood Services...Believe it or not I make more money drawing blood than I did by trying to stop it!!! And the big plus no one dies giving blood!!:)


I'm a senior software programmer at a fan company. Mainly design engineering related software and some web design related to the software.


GET HIM WAMP!!! <img src="graemlins//eek.gif" border="0" alt="[eek]" /> I WORK WITH WAMP......HAHA...I too am an Electronics Tech..I TRY TO FIX BROKE STUFF....HAHA.......BUT HEY I GET PAID!! :D


I am currently working at a Ford Dealer as a technician. I've been there 8 yrs. I'm looking to get into the computer field here in the near future.


I am Exec. Director/Creative Services for a Television and Interactive company - I am currently finishing up my personal site "White Reef" it will have info on my 120 Reef tank as well as pictures, games, video and a few custom reef desktops I designed that can be downloaded. I hope to have a screensaver done soon. Email me if you would like to be notified when the site goes up.
I work for FED/EX.monday thru friday,and at a
lumber yard on saturday and half a day on sunday.
It's getting to be to much,working all of the
time,but i have to many hobby's,so what's a guy to do?Was married for 18 years,been divorced
for 1 1/2,so it's work or who know's what.


I'm a Technician with a telecommunications company. I work with DSL, T1's, and other WAN services.