

I was just curious what everybody does for a living.I know that there are pet store employees here,and even celebrities too.I myself am a chef.Sometimes I feel guilty after cooking fish at work to come home to feed my little guys!:rolleyes:


Active Member
I am a moocher. Well, I'm only 15 and am too busy with sports and the tanks to go out and get a job, so I'm without one, but I seem to get by.
I am a auto technician for a General Motors dealer ship. My wife is a student getting her teaching degree.


Active Member
I'm the student coordinator for the petroleum engineering school at the Unversity of Oklahoma. I also have a side business recruiting executives, used to be my main business but felt I needed to get back out in the academic environment for a while. I guess I was making too much money in the corporate environment:rolleyes: :eek: :rolleyes:


Active Member
I am richard rendos's boss:)
I work for a POS repair company. Thats Point of Sale. Not piece of S$#..


I am a District Sales Manager for a division of the May Company. I manage 11 properties from Tampa to Tallahassee.
my local pet shop on the weekends. im only 14, and im busy with sports during the week. I also babysit animals for people, sometimes..


I work in the engineering dept. for Baxter Pharmaceuticals.
Injectable drugs need cleaner water than fish do!


Active Member
At home mom at the moment, but otherwise I am a Respiratory Therapist, by degree (and hate it). But, by love of a job, I worked (before the baby) with mentally challenged adults. Both as a therapist (as needed), but mostly to help them improve their well being. Looking to go back to work with mentally challenged children this time around.