Joe Torre: Class Act


"George Steinbrenner says Yankees must win or Joe Torre likely won't return"
Not being a huge baseball fan, I do pay attention to what's going on in MLB. Joe Torre responded in a press conference with poise and class maintaining that GS is the boss, he has provided the monies and the players.
I see it differently. To me, this was a Neanderthal motivation technique that will more than likely destroy the chances of a championship for the Yankees.
Kudos, Joe Torre. Kudos for rising above this.


Active Member
Just a distraction that will not help them win anything.GS is an idiot anyway he should of kept his pie hole close till they where elliminated


Active Member
Al davis is mistakenly called the worst owner in sports. All pale in comparison to idiot George


GS offered Joe $5 million which is $2.5 million less than he earned this past season. Torre thumbed his nose at George and walked off. Keep walking, Joe! And don't look back!


Active Member
He might go into tv for a year and come back with another team.The mets coach better do something or he might be their .


Active Member
i am glad he turned it down!!! what GS said about him during the ALDS was just unacceptable!!! if he wants to work again im sure there are a number of teams waiting in line to interview him... and like mentioned above he wouldnt have a problem getting a TV deal either... he is popular, well liked and well spoken...