john and Jane doe


So My starfish and anemone died 2 day in tank... all other fish, inverts etc doing great. When I recieved the anemone (pink tip haitian) it looked not so great. My clown fish loved him for about 2-5 hours, then he decided to die on the 2nd day. My starfish looked fine, but died yesterday too. Im returning them today via mail... has anyone ever done a return? how did it go? Fish replaced well? Any advice?


any advice form anyone????
Im at work and bored out of my mind, so im online tryign to figure out my problems with these fish~


I only did one return about a year ago. I placed the speciment in a zip lock bag with a bunch of salt. Then, place that zip lock bag in another zip lock bag. I sent my dead fish in regular first class envelope. I have no idea the condition of the envelope on the reciever end.
But, recently, I have not done a return. If my fish died within the guarantee period, I just take the picture and send it to the etailer. They then give me a code for a replacement.


How New is your Tank? Anenome's need to be in a well established aquarium! Especially a hatian pink tip. They are one of the hardest to keep.
Starfish, could be becasue of water parameters.


My tank is a few months old... not very new, but not very established... If they give me creidt for the return i may get something other than the anemone and starfish!